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As some of you may notice, there is no white skin in the mod. This is because the other two skins kept changing regularly and we wanted to finalize the skin before doing it. It is making a return once again, but we also thought of adding more skins with it.

So far, I've been meme'd on a lot to do a futa skin. I know some people like futa and normally I'd be indifferent to just do it for everyone that wants it, but I also feel like the fact its a fox cock sticking out it would probably require animation tweaks. I've been told its doable and some people really want it I guess. So it might happen or not, we'll see how it goes.

Aside from the elephant in the room, I've also thought maybe some others would be good too. Maybe a dark fur with yellow dress or hell, even neon fur for that peek "Original OC Do Not Steal".  Its also possible to do generic color palettes of like common furries, we've gotten a blue that remind us of Krystal from Starfox for example. Anyway, we'll be working a bit on those so who knows what will come out.

One of the main things I wanted to also do was do a minor thing to add or change with each aside from colors. Like white skin got little reading glasses that make it look more nerdy. We've had other ideas such as gloves, stocking or socks, chokers, tattoos, dress changes, and more. So if ya'll have any ideas for fun changes of any kind let me know in the comments.

If you have some palette ideas or small changes to the skins feel free to comment, we may use it!



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