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Hi Hi ✨

I love this story! Haha I had to start this with that warning, I'm already writing part 3 because I really liked the characters, backstories and the plot. Hope you like it as much as I do and enjoy the read! This story follows Tom and Paula, a couple of 20 year olds who are forced to go to a mom-daughter retreat against their will. Let me know what you think!

Enjoy the extra images, and tell me which is your favourite!

📦 Grab the full res images from the attachment section of this post. ⬇️


The Hawaiian sun beat down mercilessly as Tom stepped out of the air-conditioned taxi, squinting against the bright light. At 20 years old, he was looking forward to a relaxing vacation with his mom, even if it wasn't exactly how he'd imagined spending his summer break. As he reached back into the cab to grab his backpack, a huge shadow fell over him.

"Oh, for Pete's sake," his mother's booming voice rang out. "Tom, honey, let me get that for you."

Before he could protest, his mom's massive hand reached past him, easily lifting both their suitcases out of the trunk with one arm. At 7'4" and built like a professional bodybuilder, Christina Wilson was an imposing figure, her muscular frame barely contained by her floral sundress.

"Mom, I could've gotten that," Tom grumbled, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he noticed other tourists starring at them.

Christina chuckled, her laugh deep and resonant. "I know, sweetie, but it's no trouble. Besides, we're here to bond, right? Let your mama take care of you."

Tom sighed, resigning himself to a week of being babied by his well-meaning but often overbearing mother. Ever since she'd been affected by the virus last summer, she'd become even more protective of him, treating him like he was made of glass.

As they made their way to the resort entrance, Tom couldn't help but notice that most of the women around them were also of the amazonian variety. Tall, muscular ladies in sundresses and swimsuits towered over the few men present, creating a surreal scene that still felt strange to Tom, even months after the outbreak.

"Welcome to the Aloha Paradise Resort!" a cheery voice called out as they approached the check-in desk. The receptionist, a petite woman who seemed to have escaped the virus's effects, beamed up at them. "Checking in for the retreat, I assume?"

Christina nodded enthusiastically. "That's right! Christina and Tom Wilson. We're so excited to be here."

The receptionist's smile faltered for a moment as she glanced at Tom. "Oh, I see. Um, just to confirm, you are aware that this is the Mother-Daughter Bonding Retreat, correct?"

Tom's head snapped up to look at his mom, who was frowning in confusion. "Mother-Daughter? But the brochure said it was a family bonding retreat."

"Mom," Tom hissed, mortified. "Did you even read the whole thing?"

Christina had the grace to look sheepish. "Well, I saw 'family bonding' and 'paradise retreat' and thought it would be perfect for us. I didn't realize..."

The receptionist cleared her throat awkwardly. "I'm so sorry for the confusion, Mrs. Wilson. Unfortunately, this retreat is specifically designed for mothers and daughters affected by the... recent changes. All our activities and accommodations are tailored for that dynamic."

Tom groaned inwardly, imagining a week of being surrounded by giant women trying to braid each other's hair or whatever it was mothers and daughters did together. "Mom, maybe we should just find another resort. I'm sure we can-"

"Now hold on a minute," Christina interrupted, her brow furrowed in determination. "We came all this way for a bonding experience, and that's what we're going to get. Surely there's some way we can still participate?"

The receptionist bit her lip, looking uncertain. "I'll have to check with the retreat coordinators. Why don't you have a seat in the lobby while I make some calls?"

As Christina nodded and ushered Tom towards a cluster of oversized chairs, he couldn't help but groan. "Mom, this is ridiculous. We can't do a mother-daughter retreat. I'm not a daughter, and I'm certainly not... you know." He gestured vaguely at her muscular frame.

Christina sat down, the chair creaking ominously under her weight. "Oh, pish posh. It'll be fun! And besides, it'll be good for you to be around more people like me. You need to get used to the new normal, honey."

Tom slumped in his chair, which felt comically large for his average-sized frame. "I am used to it. I just don't see why we have to make a whole vacation out of it."

As they waited, Tom observed the other guests filtering into the lobby. Pairs of statuesque women, clearly mothers and daughters, chatted excitedly about the upcoming activities. He noticed a few of them glancing curiously in their direction, probably wondering what a young man was doing at a women's retreat.

After what felt like an eternity, the receptionist approached them, looking slightly frazzled. "Mrs. Wilson, I've spoken with our coordinators, and they've agreed to make an exception in your case. You and your son are welcome to participate in the retreat activities."

Christina clapped her hands together, beaming. "Oh, wonderful! See, Tom? It all worked out."

The receptionist handed them their room keys and a schedule of events. "We've made some adjustments to accommodate Tom, but please understand that most activities are designed for... larger participants. If you have any issues, don't hesitate to ask for help."

As they made their way to their room, Tom couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be a long, awkward week. The hallways were extra wide, the ceilings unusually high, everything scaled up for the resort's amazonian clientele.

"Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" Christina gushed, easily carrying their luggage with one hand while her other arm was draped around Tom's shoulders. "Look, they've got all sorts of activities planned. Ooh, mother-daughter yoga! We can do that, can't we, Tom?"

Tom grimaced, imagining himself trying to do downward dog next to his hulking mother. "Sure, Mom. Sounds great," he muttered unenthusiastically.

As they rounded a corner, Christina accidentally bumped into another woman, nearly sending Tom sprawling. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Christina apologised, steadying Tom with one hand.

The other woman, a tall, athletic-looking blonde, smiled good-naturedly. "No worries! These hallways take some getting used to, don't they? I'm Jennifer, and this is my daughter, Paula."

Tom looked up... and up... to see a younger version of Jennifer standing beside her. Paula was easily 6'11", with the same muscular build as the other transformed women. But unlike her cheerful mother, she wore a sullen expression that mirrored how Tom felt.

"Nice to meet you," Paula mumbled, her eyes meeting Tom's briefly before darting away.

Christina, oblivious to the awkwardness, launched into an explanation of their situation. Jennifer listened sympathetically, while Paula's eyes widened in surprise as she realised Tom was actually participating in the retreat.

As their mothers chatted away, Tom and Paula stood in uncomfortable silence. Finally, Tom cleared his throat. "So, uh... not exactly your idea of a fun vacation either, huh?"

Paula's lips quirked in a small smile. "What gave it away? The fact that I'm stuck at a cheesy bonding retreat instead of, oh, I don't know, anywhere else?"

Tom chuckled, feeling a spark of kinship with this reluctant amazon. "Hey, at least you fit in. I'm going to spend the whole week feeling like I accidentally wandered into a land of giants."

Paula's smile grew. "Trust me, fitting in isn't all it's cracked up to be. But hey, maybe between the two of us, we can find a way to make this bearable?"

As their mothers finished exchanging room numbers and promises to meet up later, Tom felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this disaster of a vacation wouldn't be a total wash after all.

"Come on, Tom," Christina called, already halfway down the hall. "Let's get settled in. We've got a luau to attend tonight!"

Tom waved goodbye to Paula, who rolled her eyes good-naturedly as her own mother dragged her off in the opposite direction. As he jogged to catch up with his mom, he couldn't help but think that things might have just gotten a little more interesting.

The luau was in full swing as Tom trailed behind his mother, Christina, feeling like a lost puppy amid a sea of towering amazons. The resort's beachfront had been transformed into a colorful spectacle of tiki torches, flower garlands, and long tables groaning under the weight of an impressive feast.

"Oh, Tom, isn't this exciting?" Christina gushed, her 7'4" frame easily parting the crowd as they made their way to their assigned table. "Look at all this food! You must be starving after our trip."

Tom's stomach growled in response, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since their early morning flight. "Yeah, Mom, it looks great," he admitted, eyeing the spread of traditional Hawaiian dishes and more familiar fare.

As they approached their table, Tom's heart sank. The chairs were clearly designed for the resort's amazonian guests, their seats nearly at his chest level. He glanced around, hoping to spot some normal-sized seating, but no such luck.

Christina, oblivious to his dilemma, plopped down in one of the chairs, which creaked but held her muscular weight. "Come on, honey, sit...up!" She mocked him in a caring way. "Oh, look – it's Jennifer and Paula! Over here, ladies!"

Tom turned to see Paula and her mother making their way towards them. Paula caught his eye and gave a small, commiserating smile. At 6'11", she towered over Tom but still looked smaller next to her statuesque mother.

"Hey," Paula said as she reached them. "Looks like we're table buddies."

Tom nodded, still eyeing the oversized chair warily. "Yeah, great. Uh, don't suppose you've got a stepladder handy?"

Paula snorted, then quickly covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. "Sorry, sorry. Here, let me help."

Before Tom could protest, Paula had scooped him up with one arm and gently deposited him in the chair. He felt his face burning with embarrassment as he realized his feet were dangling several inches off the ground.

"Thanks," he muttered, trying to maintain what was left of his dignity.

Paula took the seat next to him, leaning in to whisper, "If it makes you feel any better, I feel like a kid playing dress-up in my mom's clothes half the time."

Tom couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Yeah, but at least you can reach the table without a booster seat."

As their mothers chatted animatedly about the resort's amenities and upcoming activities, Tom and Paula fell into an easy conversation.

"So," Tom asked, spearing a piece of pineapple with his comically oversized fork, "how'd you get roped into this anyway?"

Paula sighed, absently flexing her bicep – a habit Tom noticed many of the transformed women had developed. "Mom's idea of 'mother-daughter bonding.' Said we needed to 'embrace our new reality' or something. You?"

Tom gestured towards Christina, who was enthusiastically demonstrating some sort of stretching technique to Jennifer. "Mom saw 'family bonding' and 'paradise' in the same brochure and booked it without reading the fine print. Story of my life since... you know."

Paula nodded sympathetically. "The virus? Yeah, it's been an adjustment for everyone. One day you're a normal teenager, the next you're the Incredible Hulk's kid sister."

Their conversation was interrupted by a booming voice over the sound system. "Aloha, ladies... and gentleman!" The MC, a cheerful woman who looked like she could bench-press a car, winked in Tom's direction. "Welcome to the Aloha Paradise Resort's Mother-Daughter Bonding Retreat! We've got a fantastic week planned for you all, starting with tonight's get-to-know-you activity!"

A chorus of excited murmurs rippled through the crowd. Tom and Paula exchanged a wary glance.

"Everyone, please stand up and find a space on the beach with your partner," the MC continued. "We're going to play a little game called 'Trust Fall Tango'!"

As the amazons around them began to rise, creating a forest of muscular limbs and floral prints, Tom felt a moment of panic. He looked at Paula, who seemed equally unenthused.

"Uh, you don't think they expect me to catch my mom, do you?" he asked, only half-joking.

Paula snorted. "God, I hope not. You'd end up as a Tom pancake."

"Come on, you two!" Christina called, already on her feet and practically vibrating with excitement. "This'll be fun!"

Tom reluctantly slid off his chair, feeling more than a little ridiculous as he followed his mother's towering form towards the beach. Paula fell into step beside him, her long strides easily keeping pace with his shorter ones.

"So," Paula murmured as they walked, "on a scale of one to 'kill me now,' how are you feeling about this week?"

Tom pretended to think for a moment. "Oh, somewhere between 'someone please end my suffering' and 'is it too late to fake a tropical illness?'"

Paula laughed, a rich, deep sound that sent a surprising tingle down Tom's spine. "Well, misery loves company, right? Stick with me, short stuff. We'll survive this together."

As they reached the beach, Tom couldn't help but feel a tiny spark of optimism. Maybe, just maybe, this disaster of a vacation might not be so bad after all. That is, if he could survive whatever "Trust Fall Tango" was without being squashed like a bug.

The MC's voice boomed out again, "Alright, ladies – and Tom! – find your spaces. Mothers, you'll be catching first. Daughters prepare to fall backwards into your partner's arms. Remember, it's all about trust!"

Tom looked up at his beaming mother, then over at Paula, who was mouthing "good luck" with a mix of amusement and sympathy.

"Well," he muttered to himself as he turned his back to Christina, "here goes nothing. If I die, I'm haunting this resort for eternity."

As he closed his eyes and prepared to fall, Tom couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be a very long, very strange week indeed.

The next morning, Tom woke up feeling like he'd gone ten rounds with a heavyweight boxer. His back ached from the "Trust Fall Tango" fiasco, where his mother's enthusiasm had led to him being caught with a bit too much force. He groaned as he rolled out of bed, his feet hitting the cool tile floor.

"Rise and shine, sweetie!" Christina's booming voice came from the other room. "We've got a big day ahead of us!"

Tom shuffled into the main area of their suite, rubbing his eyes. Christina was already dressed in workout gear that seemed to strain against her muscular frame. She was doing some sort of stretching routine that made the room shake slightly with each movement.

"Mom, it's barely 7 AM," Tom grumbled, reaching for the coffee pot. "What could we possibly have planned this early?"

Christina beamed at him, her face flushed with excitement. "Morning yoga on the beach! It'll be so rejuvenating. Come on, get dressed!"

Twenty minutes later, Tom found himself on the beach, surrounded by towering amazons in various states of stretch. He felt ridiculous in the oversized yoga mat the resort had provided.

"Psst, Tom!"

He turned to see Paula waving at him from a few mats over. She was wearing form-fitting yoga pants and a tank top that left little to the imagination. Tom felt his face heat up as he waved back.

"Alright, everyone!" The instructor, a lithe amazon with arms like tree trunks, called out. "Let's start with a simple sun salutation. Reach for the sky!"

As the group moved through the poses, Tom couldn't help but feel like a small child playing at yoga. Every time he glanced up, he was met with a forest of long, muscular limbs stretching in ways that seemed physically impossible for his average-sized body.

Midway through a particularly challenging pose, Tom lost his balance and toppled over. He lay there, face down on his mat, contemplating the life choices that had led him to this moment.

A shadow fell over him, and he looked up to see Paula standing there, a mixture of amusement and concern on her face. "You okay down there, short stuff?"

Tom groaned. "Just peachy. You know, I always wanted to know what it felt like to be a human pretzel."

Paula chuckled, offering him a hand. As she pulled him up, Tom was once again struck by the sheer strength in her grip. "Come on," she said, "let's ditch this stretch fest. I know a place where we can grab some real breakfast."

Tom glanced over at Christina, who was deep in conversation with Jennifer as they effortlessly held a pose that looked like it defied several laws of physics. "You sure? Won't we get in trouble?"

Paula shrugged, her shoulders rippling with the movement. "What are they gonna do, put us in time-out? Come on, live a little!"

With a last look at the yoga class, Tom nodded. "Lead the way."

Paula rolled her eyes but grinned as they snuck away from the beach. She led Tom to a small café just outside the resort grounds, where the furniture was blessedly normal-sized.

As they settled into their seats with plates piled high with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, Tom felt himself relax for the first time since arriving at the resort.

"So," Paula said around a mouthful of pancake, "what's your story? How are you dealing with all this?" She gestured vaguely at herself.

Tom sighed, pushing his eggs around his plate. "Honestly? It's been weird. One day, Mom's just... Mom. The next, she's the Hulk's long-lost sister. And suddenly, the whole world is catering to people built like linebackers."

Paula nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, it's been an adjustment for everyone. But at least you didn't have to go through the change yourself."

"True," Tom admitted. "But sometimes I feel like I'm the odd one out now. Like, am I supposed to just accept that I'll always be the small, weak one in comparison?"

Paula's expression softened. "Hey, you're not weak. Different doesn't mean inferior, you know? Besides, I'd kill to be your size sometimes. Do you know how hard it is to find cute shoes when your feet are the size of canoes?"

Tom couldn't help but laugh at that. "Fair point. I guess the grass is always greener, huh?"

As they continued to chat and eat, Tom found himself relaxing more and more in Paula's presence. Despite her intimidating size, she had a warmth and humor that put him at ease.

"So," Paula said as they finished their meal, "what do you say we make a pact? Whenever the whole 'mommy and me' routine gets to be too much, we bail and do our own thing. Deal?"

Tom grinned, holding out his hand. "Deal."

Paula took his hand, her grip firm but gentle. "Great! Now, let's head back before our moms send out a search party. I think they've got some kind of 'teambuilding exercise' planned for this afternoon."

As they walked back to the resort, Tom felt a sense of camaraderie with Paula that he hadn't expected. Maybe, just maybe, this vacation wouldn't be a total disaster after all.

Little did he know, the afternoon's "teambuilding exercise" would involve...




Where’s the story?