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Hi hi ✨

This is the first exclusive story for tiers 3 and 4! I hope you like it! This story follows Diana and Jerry, two new hires at a big company competing for a promotion at the end of the year. The thing is, the year is 2035, and Diana undergoes a (not so little) transformation halfway through—she grows huge in the summer! But the competition is still on.

I wrote this part just before the final decision. I'm thinking of continuing this story next week, but I want you to have a say in the outcome. You get to choose who gets the promotion. If Diana gets it, it might be a little predictable, but how satisfying would it be to have Jerry under her command? On the other hand, what if we go for the more unexpected outcome of Jerry getting the promotion over Diana? It would be interesting to explore the power dynamic of having an amazon as your subordinate.

Anyhow, you get to choose! Comment on who should get the promotion!

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The Promotion

Diana smoothed her skirt suit nervously as she waited outside the conference room in early January 2035. This was her first day at the new job as an Account Manager at Praxcor Marketing. Her heart was pounding in anticipation of the meeting that would set the stage for the entire year.

The door opened and Ted Wallace, the Regional Director, poked his head out. "Diana? Jerry? You can come in."

She took a deep breath and stepped inside. Across the long table sat Jerry Mason, another new hire who would be her competition for the coveted Senior Account Manager promotion at year's end. He gave her a dismissive once-over and smirked. Diana fought to keep her composure.

"Welcome aboard, you two," Ted began. "I'm sure you're both eager to prove yourselves worthy of the Senior Account Manager role. Only one of you will be promoted at the end of the year, so I expect your best efforts..."

As Ted laid out the criteria and expectations, Diana couldn't help stealing glances at Jerry. He already acted so arrogant and sure of himself. She made a silent vow to outwork and outsell him at every turn.

Over the next few months, Diana and Jerry engaged in a ruthless battle for top client accounts and sales numbers. Jerry seemed to have a knack for charming the clients and securing big contracts. He also didn't miss a chance to mock Diana's smaller stature whenever he could.

"No way you gonna score the Central Avenue property," he sneered one day. "Customers would think you're someone's kid tagging along!"

Diana gritted her teeth, determined to prove him wrong. If only he spent more time on his work and less on childish put-downs. Still, she couldn't deny his apparent edge so far in the race for promotion.

Then, in early July, strange rumblings began circulating around the office of some kind of viral outbreak making the news. At first, it was merely the typical watercooler gossip about a few isolated cases. Within days, however, Praxcor employees began calling out sick themselves by the dozens, reporting wildly divergent symptoms - fevers, body aches, nausea and vomiting.

Finally, the shocking transformations began manifesting in those women who had been infected...

The first undeniable sign of the viral outbreak for Diana came from her coworker Melissa in accounting. One morning, the petite clerk was hurriedly called into the department manager's office before she could even make it to her cubicle.

Diana couldn't help overhearing the stern dressing-down through the opened door. "This is the third time this week, Melissa! That skirt is completely unacceptable - it's practically obscene how high up your thighs it rides. And that blouse...I can clearly see your midriff showing! Do you know how inappropriate that is in a professional environment?"

Flustered apologies and the muffled sounds of Melissa frantically adjusting her outfit filtered through the manager's admonishments. Diana's gaze was drawn to the petite clerk as she finally emerged from the office, clutching her belongings with cheeks flushed bright red.

"I...I need to go home and change," Melissa mumbled, refusing to meet anyone's gaze as she hurried out of the accounting section.

As Melissa brushed past Diana, she couldn't help but notice the slightly snug blouse did seem to be straining more than usual today across Melissa's torso. In fact, if Diana didn't know better about the mousy woman's typically scrawny, unimpressive physique, she could almost swear the faint outlines of toned, developing abdominal muscles were just barely visible, pushing against the stretched fabric.

Diana watched her retreating back with a slight furrow of confusion. Now that she thought about it, Melissa's whole posture and gait did seem somewhat...sturdier than usual today. Like her steps carried a bit more substance and volume to their impacts against the industrial carpet.

She quickly brushed it off as undue scrutiny, turning her focus back to her own work. Diana had enough to worry about without wasting mental energy overanalyzing Melissa Foster's wardrobe malfunctions or imagining non-existent changes to the woman's typically shapeless, unremarkable figure.

If only she realized then just how dramatically - and literally - Melissa's physique was about to be remade into something utterly magnificent and powerful. A metamorphic growth spurt the likes of which the world had never before witnessed...one that would soon be replicated in Diana herself.

Within two weeks, Melissa had morphed into a brawny, thick-armed beauty whose very presence commanded attention and respect around the office. Her compact, hourglass shape now bulged with rippling sinew that threatened to rip through the fabric containing it.

Men's heads would swivel shamelessly as Melissa passed, their eyes tracing the flaring, boulder-like deltoids framing her densely muscled neck and shoulders with their blatant ogles. The clicking of her heels sounded different - thunderous, seismic, as if each step carried tectonic, ground-shaking weight.

As unsettling as Melissa's rapid evolution into some kind of real-life muscle goddess was, it was merely the opening salvo. In short order, other women around the office began displaying similar swollen physiques and exaggerated proportions. Busty receptionists strained against their tops as melon-sized cleavages swelled outward. Formerly slim marketing assistants sprouted thunderous thighs and thunderous cords of striated beef. Even buttoned-up female executives were not spared from acquiring impossibly flaring lats, shockingly ripped abs, and heaving vascular muscularity.

The news finally confirmed what the outbreak was - some kind of highly contagious virus that radically rewrote the DNA and physiology of any woman it infected. Scientists were baffled, calling it the most extreme biological metamorphosis ever witnessed, with effects making those "Incredible Hulk" movies seem quaint by comparison.

For Diana, the first inkling that she too had been exposed came a few days later as she was getting dressed for work. Her usual pantsuit felt a bit...snugger than normal, as if it had shrunk a tad in the dryer. Shrugging it off, she tried to go about her morning routine only to notice her button-up blouse was also tighter around the bust and shoulders. Had she inadvertently put on a few pounds?

The changes were subtle at first - a little extra tightness and strain on her wardrobe here, the sleeves ending a fraction higher on her forearms there. But each successive morning, Diana's clothes seemed to fit even more ill-sized to her gradually expanding physique. It was like her entire body was incrementally swelling outward in a continuation of previous puberty, with newfound curves and densities accruing.

Within a week, Diana's standard business attire was rendered practically obscene. Her suit jackets pulled taut across a broadening back and flaring latissimus spread. Buttons threatened to pop from sleeves struggling to contain her newly emerging biceps peaks. Even the starched cotton of her blouses was being outrageously tented by a swelling bosom and v-shaped muscularity framing her midriff.

Yet she didn't feel particularly uncomfortable or strained, just...bigger. More feminine, curvier, dense with newfound mass. It was as if whatever feminine ideals and body standards she had been previously lacking were being amplified to the utmost degree. Each morning, Diana would rise and be shocked by new growth, ripping, or skin-tight confines. Each evening, she would look at herself in the mirror and marvel at her increasingly exaggerated proportions.

"I've got to be pushing 200 pounds or more at this point," she mused, giving her newly flaring lats an experimental flex and bounce. They seemed to undulate and roll like a great sinewy serpent under her satin pajama top. "If this doesn't stop soon, I'm gonna burst right out of my clothes!"

Of course, the changes were far from finished. As the second week began, Diana's steady expansion accelerated into a grueling upward spiral. Her skinny jeans from before were literally painted onto her massively amplified thighs and calves, every sinuous curve and striation blatantly outlined. Her shirt dresses strained miserably around a reality-defying hourglass shape - weight-room anchored shoulders tapering rapidly down into a cinched, shredded core, before flaring back out in a massively bubbled and overloaded rear-shelf.

For the first time, Diana started to feel the full-impact of her new proportions - a dull soreness throughout her overstuffed musculature, the ability to accidentally dent walls or shatter furniture if she wasn't careful, struggling to find comfortable positions while sitting or lying down. Simple physical acts were becoming comically inhibited by her immense size and mass.

One morning, she awoke to find her bed had cracked completely from her bulging frame arching upon it overnight!

"Goddamn!" She grunted, extricating herself carefully from the splintered wreckage. Nearly naked, Diana stood and stretched outward, feeling her massively peaked biceps actually brush against her rock-hard flanks before settling into a withering most-muscular. "Look at the fuckin' size of me!"

She had to duck her head to avoid cracking her skull on the bedroom doorframe, still not used to existing in a newly statuesque 6'2" frame. Every step made the floorboards shake and groan from the sheer tonnage slamming down onto them as she made her way to the bathroom.

In the mirror, Diana was confronted with an absolutely mutant iteration of her former self. What had been a somewhat short, underfed-looking woman less than two weeks ago had now metastasized into an incredibly burly, overwhelmingly powerful super-brickhouse of femininity.

Gravity itself seemed to be warping around a massively endowed chest made even more obscenely huge by surrounding cushions of unearthly striated might. Deep, guttering clefts separated her abdominals into distinct, brutally-shredded shelves and filets. Incredibly broad, raked shoulders supported the arching, branching cords of back density which made her waist seem improbably, inhumanly slender in comparison. Then her hips and lower body flared back out again into delectably squeezed mounds of piled, striated thickness, thighs mounded high like rising dough after mixing in a dozen eggs.

Letting a sleeper-muscle bicep explode out into a mind-blowing peak, Diana gave an awestruck chuckle. "Damn...I'm a literal bodybuilder! How much bigger can this virus possibly mak--"

Her words were cut short as she turned slightly, bumping the massive globe of her trap against the wall. With a surprised yelp, she banged her head against a ceiling she'd easily cleared just yesterday. Crouching into a partial squat, she gawked up to suddenly find herself dwarfing her home's standard eight-foot ceilings!

Over that week, Diana continued to grow bigger and more mind-bendingly muscular and powerful. Going to work became a trial in carefully navigating narrow office hallways and tiny cubicle spaces. A pencil skirt that had obscenely outlined the deep, shuddering crevices between her quads and sweeping hamstring ties the day before would arrive the next morning clearly spraypainted to her skin, tearing audibly at the slightest movement.

Each time her growth upshifted, previously impossible muscle and weight gain barriers would be breached overnight - 300lbs, 350lbs, 400lbs of shredded ultra-beef - as her virus-tailored form underwent relentless, inexorable augmentation. Every morning that Diana managed to squeeze her colossal build through the front door and lumber into the office, it was inevitably to shocked stares, dropped jaws, and whispers from her coworkers about just how gargantuan she'd become.

That morning two weeks after her initial growth spurt began, Diana awoke to find herself completely stuck in her bedroom. No matter how she angled or contorted her massively amplified frame, her hyper-bulked musculature simply could not wedge through the doorway.

"You've got to be kidding me..." she grumbled, bracing her superhero-sized shoulders against either side of the frame and pushing with all her incredible might.

The wooden entranceway creaked and groaned in protest, but refused to yield an inch to her colossal mass. If anything, Diana felt her lats and upper back swelling outward even thicker and wider, sealing herself in tighter.

Finally, with a gritted snarl, she threw her weight into an aggressive bull-like shoulder strike. The splintering boom echoed through the house as Diana burst through the upright doorway, a cloud of drywall particulate whooshing around her statuesque figure as she staggered out into the hallway.

As the dust settled, Diana caught her breathtaking reflection in the mirror adorning the adjacent wall. She'd done it - she'd finally grown right through the very confines of her home! The metamorphosis from scrawny, unassuming woman to ultra-massively muscular megafemale appeared to have finally peaked and settled into its incredible "after" proportions.

Drinking in her absolutely mutant physique, Diana let out a deep chuckle and flexed one of her earth-shaker biceps with a ripping double-bang that made the mirror rattle. The peak swelled outrageously bigger than a person's head, pushing past even her most hyperbolic "after" measurements into vivid new extremes of female size and power.

"Mmmm...I don't think this body is done amazing me yet," she growled in her deeper, huskier alto. "If anything, it feels like I could just keep on growing bigger and harder!"

Of course, "settled" was an almost comically subjective term when describing her current state of hyper-femininity. Even at a relatively statuesque 8'1", Diana's extraordinary proportions were nothing short of reality-defying, making even the largest male bodybuilders look scrawny and underfed by comparison. In fact, she could already tell her new density-augmented mass was well out-massing the entire offensive line of most professional football teams combined!

Making her way to the bathroom for her daily posing and admiring routine, Diana revealed at all the incredible new details she seemed to keep discovering - crevices between her individual quad sweeps so brutally shredded and cross-striated they could zest cheese. The raw, punishing density of her hamstring cords, flaring out from her glutes into corrugated lasagna-noodle stacks of striated beef. Her back had grown so outrageously wide that trying to glimpse her own lats in the mirror was like peering around the side of a mountain!

And that was to say nothing of the grotesquely distended breast shelf now rising like two granite planetoids from her ultrathick chest plate. How in this reality or any other her boobs maintained their fullness and high outrageousness was nothing short of miraculous...or perhaps merely the pinnacle of her body's astonishing feats of muscle hypertrophy and augmentation to date. Regardless, Diana loved the seismic, shuddering wobbles that radiated from her top pectoral shelves with every subtle shift or step.

Her routine morning flex-and-marvel was disrupted by the trilling ring of her cell phone. Hands the size of catcher's mitts fumbled briefly with the device before she managed to operate its comically tiny screen. Peering down, she saw it was from Jerry Mason.

"Ha! Speak of the little devil..." Diana snorted, swiping to connect the call. "I figured you'd be too much of a chicken to show your face around the office after what happened. Finally grew a pair and ready to face me?"

"Yeah, whatever. Are you coming to the office today or is your big ass not going to be able to fit through the front door?" Jerry's sneering voice crackled back over the line.

"Mmmmm, you don't know the half of it, you smug little prick," Diana purred back, idly hiking her tree trunk thighs up to give her groin a discreet bicep flex in the mirror. Dear lord, were those sequoia-sized quads even real? "Just wait until you see these babies up close and personal. I'll make you feel even smaller than usual..."

A momentary pause from Jerry before he replied with an audible swallow. "Size-queen bravado aside, I sincerely hope you realise that freak show development is hardly going to help your career...or give you any kind of true advantage over me when Ted announces the new senior manager. I'm still the one who landed Veridean, Galacorp, and North Systems' contracts, not you."

"Awww, bless your heart for still thinking you even have a chance at that promotion now," Diana shot back with a throaty chuckle. Using her free hand, she gave her severely overloaded bust a hefty heave and squeeze, somehow exaggerating her cleavage even beyond its already grotesque proportions.

"Face it, half-pint...your boyish charms only get you so far nowadays. I've become the total, utterly irresistible feminine ideal!" She paused to let out a dramatic, booming belt of laughter that practically rattled the phone speaker. "In fact, I'd bet my daintiest little pink toe that once Ted gets an up-close look at all this," she rumbled, cradling one of her distended breasts and giving it an audible grope, "...he won't even be able to REMEMBER your name, let alone recommend you for anything!"

Another brief silence from Jerry before he seemed to find his voice again. "You really think your gargantuan...alterations will upstage my sales records that easily? As if any sane career woman would let herself become that kind of...that kind of Muscle Monster!"

"Well, let's just see how much my 'insane' new sexpot packaging weighs on Ted's decision, shall we?" Diana sneered back. "At the very least, you'll make one ADORABLE little shrimpy assistant scurrying around under my heels once I'M running this division!"

With that, she disconnected the call and hurled the phone at the full-length mirror with a burst of laughter, the reinforced glass cracking into a spiralling spiderweb from the impact of the hefty throw. Oh, this was going to be completely delicious...

The following week, Praxcor's entire office seemed to come alive with hushed whispers and the constant swiveling of heads every time Diana's enormously amplified footfalls came thumping down the hallway. While the rest of the women had undergone their own vastly feminizing muscle-monsterings to varying degrees, it was clear that her formerly petite colleague had been affected with the most extreme case of exaggerated proportions. Any hopes of blending in or playing down her incredible, superhero-esque figure were entirely out the window.

In fact, Diana absolutely revaeled in making an grand production out of simply moving around the office each day. She knew every seismic step, every subtle ripple of her gargantuan frame was going to be drinking in with open leers and second-glances. So she played it up to the utmost - sashaying her breathtakingly wide hips and ludicrously bubbled glutes with exaggerated rolling motions, always catching her motions in a flex that made the thick cords of her obliques and linea negra crunch inward. She'd lean forward at the most opportune moments to allow her monumental bust to dominate the room like two fleshy redwood trunks.

The overt sex appeal and dominant radiance she now possessed was both captivating and terrifying to behold close-up. There was simply no way for onlookers to avoid being confronted with the full, mesmerising brunt of her impossibly developed feminine might all around them at every turn. She felt utterly powerful in this new body, entirely unstoppable, like a living representation of idealised human female physicality rendered into grotesquely amplified incarnation.

Then there was the constant barrage of suggestive comments, rumbling laughs, and sexually charged taunts Diana would continually lob at anyone nearby, but most of all at her former professional rival. Jerry tried valiantly to remain stoic and simply ignore her peacocking antics, but she could see the way his once bravado-filled eyes now flitted nervously, unable to maintain eye contact or sit still anywhere she turned up. Even the simple act of striding past his desk caused his little cock to perk up, much like a dog would do with its owner.

Diana strode confidently towards Ted Wallace's office, her footsteps echoing through the hallway. She had to duck slightly to pass through the doorway, her broad shoulders barely fitting through the frame.

"Ah, Diana," Ted said, his eyes widening as he took in her towering form. "Please, have a seat."

Diana glanced at the chair in front of his desk, realising it looked comically small compared to her new proportions. "I think I'll stand, if you don't mind," she said with a wry smile.

Ted cleared his throat, visibly flustered. "Right, of course. Well, I wanted to discuss the Senior Account Manager position with you."

"I'm all ears," Diana replied, crossing her arms and inadvertently causing her biceps to bulge impressively.

Ted's gaze flickered to her arms before he quickly averted his eyes. "Yes, well, your performance has been exemplary these past few months. Your sales numbers are through the roof, and client satisfaction is at an all-time high."

Diana nodded, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. "I'm glad to hear that. I've been working hard to prove myself."

"Indeed," Ted continued, fidgeting with his pen. "However, I must address the... changes that have occurred recently. While your physical transformation doesn't affect your qualifications, it does present some... unique challenges."

Diana raised an eyebrow. "Such as?"

Ted sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Well, for starters, we'll need to make some office modifications to accommodate your new stature. Larger desk, reinforced chair, that sort of thing. And there's the matter of client meetings. Some of our more traditional clients might be... intimidated."

"Intimidated?" Diana echoed, her voice taking on a steely edge. "Or impressed? I've found that my new appearance commands respect and attention. Isn't that an asset in our line of work?"

Ted nodded slowly. "You make a fair point. It's just... this is all so new. We're all adjusting to these changes, and I want to ensure we're making decisions that benefit the company as a whole."

Diana leaned forward slightly, her imposing figure looming over Ted's desk. "I understand your concerns, Ted. But I assure you, I'm still the same dedicated, hardworking employee I've always been. My new physique doesn't change that. If anything, it's given me even more confidence to close deals and impress clients."

Ted seemed to consider this for a moment. "You're right, of course. Your work speaks for itself. I just wanted to have this conversation to address any potential issues head-on."

"I appreciate that," Diana said, relaxing her stance slightly. "So, about the promotion..."

Ted nodded, a small smile forming on his face. "Yes, well, barring any unforeseen circumstances, I'd say you're the frontrunner for the position. We'll make the official announcement at the end of the month."

Diana beamed, her entire face lighting up. "That's fantastic news, Ted. Thank you for your confidence in me."

As she turned to leave, Ted called out, "Oh, and Diana? Could you send Jerry in on your way out? I need to have a similar conversation with him."

Diana nodded, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Of course. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear about my... I mean, the company's bright future."

As Diana emerged from Ted's office, her lips curled into a triumphant smirk. She spotted Jerry hunched over his desk, furiously typing away at his computer. The sight of his diminutive form only accentuated her newfound sense of superiority.

"Oh, Jerry," she called out, her voice booming across the open-plan office. Heads turned, conversations hushed. "Ted wants to see you now. Better hurry along, little man."

Jerry's head snapped up, his eyes narrowing as they met Diana's towering figure. He stood, and Diana couldn't help but chuckle at how he barely reached her sternum.

"Right," Jerry muttered, attempting to square his shoulders and failing to look imposing. "I'm sure it's about my promotion."

Diana threw her head back and laughed, the sound reverberating through the office. "Oh, sweetie," she cooed condescendingly, "I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you. Ted and I just had a lovely chat about my... qualifications."

She emphasised the last word by subtly flexing her arms, causing her blazer to strain audibly. A few nearby colleagues gasped, and Diana revelled in the attention.

Jerry's face reddened, a vein pulsing in his forehead. "Physical changes don't equate to professional competence, Diana," he spat.

"No?" Diana leaned down, bringing her face closer to Jerry's. "But they certainly don't hurt. Face it, Jerry. In this new world, you're obsolete. A relic of the past."

Jerry opened his mouth to retort, but Diana cut him off. "Run along now. Don't keep Ted waiting." She punctuated her dismissal by gently patting Jerry on the head, eliciting a few snickers from their colleagues.

As Jerry stormed off towards Ted's office, Diana basked in her moment of triumph. She felt invincible, unstoppable.

Later that afternoon, Diana strode into the conference room for her meeting with Jones & Co., a potential high-profile client. Her heels clicked against the floor, each step causing a slight tremor. As she entered, she had to duck to avoid hitting her head on the doorframe.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," Diana greeted, her voice full of confidence. She extended her hand to shake, but Mr. Jones, the company's CEO, hesitated before gingerly accepting it.

"Ms. Powell," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Please, have a seat."

Diana glanced at the chair, realising it was far too small for her frame. "I'll stand, if you don't mind," she said, trying to maintain her composure.

As the meeting progressed, Diana became increasingly aware of the discomfort her presence was causing. The clients seemed distracted, their eyes constantly darting to her imposing figure. When she leaned forward to emphasise a point, Mr. Jones flinched, as if expecting her to topple the table.

"Ms. Powell," Mr. Jones interrupted as Diana was mid-pitch, "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm not sure this is the right fit for us."

Diana blinked, taken aback. "I'm sorry?"

Mr. Jones shifted in his seat. "While your company's track record is impressive, we're looking for something a bit more... traditional in our marketing approach."

"Traditional?" Diana echoed, her confidence wavering.

"Yes, well," Mr. Jones continued, avoiding eye contact, "we feel that your new... image might be a bit too intimidating for our target demographic. We're after a softer touch, you understand."

Diana felt her face flush with embarrassment. She'd been so certain her new physique would be an asset, but now it seemed to be costing her a valuable client.

"I assure you, Mr. Jones, my appearance doesn't affect my ability to deliver results," she argued, but she could see the decision had already been made.

"Thank you for your time, Ms. Powell," Mr. Jones said, standing to signal the end of the meeting. "We'll be in touch if anything changes."

Diana left the conference room in a daze, her earlier bravado completely deflated. As she passed by Jerry's desk, she noticed him smirking at her, having clearly heard about the failed meeting.

Desperate to lift her spirits, Diana decided to treat herself to some retail therapy. She left the office early, heading to her favourite high-end boutique in the city centre. As she entered the store, the bell above the door chimed, and the sales assistant looked up. Her eyes widened as she took in Diana's massive frame.

"Can I help you?" the assistant asked, her voice quavering slightly.

Diana forced a smile. "Yes, I'm looking for a new work wardrobe. Something professional, but stylish."

The assistant nodded hesitantly. "Of course. Let me see what we have that might... fit."

As they moved through the store, it quickly became apparent that finding suitable clothes would be a challenge. Blouses that might have fit her chest refused to button over her broad back. Skirts that accommodated her muscular thighs gaped ridiculously at the waist.

"Perhaps we could try the plus-size section?" the assistant suggested timidly.

Diana sighed. "I'm not plus-size. I'm just... big."

After an hour of frustration, Diana left the store empty-handed. As she walked down the street, she caught her reflection in a store window. Her ill-fitting clothes, stretched to their limits, made her look less like a powerful businesswoman and more like an overgrown teenager who'd outgrown her wardrobe.

She thought back to her confrontation with Jerry, her failed meeting with Jones & Co., and now this disastrous shopping trip. The world wasn't simply going to bow to her new form; she would have to learn to navigate it carefully. As she reached her car, Diana struggled to fold herself into the driver's seat. The steering wheel dug into her thighs, and her head brushed against the roof. She let out a long, heavy sigh.

"Maybe I'm not as invincible as I thought," she muttered to herself.

On the drive home, Diana's mind raced. She'd been so caught up in the power of her transformation that she'd forgotten the importance of humility and adaptability. Her new body was indeed impressive, but it didn't solve all her problems - in fact, it created new ones.

As she pulled into her driveway, Diana made a silent vow to herself. She would learn from today's experiences. She would find a balance between confidence in her new form and understanding of its limitations. Most importantly, she would remember that true strength came not just from physical power, but from character and competence.

Tomorrow would be a new day, and Diana was determined to face it with a fresh perspective. She may be bigger and stronger now, but she still had a lot of growing to do - in ways that had nothing to do with her physical size.

A week after Diana's humbling experiences, Praxcor Marketing called for an all-hands meeting. The largest conference room in the building was packed to capacity, with the transformed women taking up significantly more space than before. Diana arrived early, carefully manoeuvring her way to a spot at the back where she could stand comfortably without blocking anyone's view.

Ted Wallace, looking somewhat overwhelmed, stood at the front of the room. He cleared his throat nervously as he addressed the assembled staff.

"Good morning, everyone. As you're all aware, recent... events have necessitated some changes in our workplace policies and infrastructure. Today, we'll be going over these new accommodations and opening the floor for discussion."

Diana noticed Jerry seated near the front, looking decidedly uncomfortable as he was dwarfed by the transformed women around him. She felt a twinge of guilt remembering her earlier behaviour towards him.

Ted continued, "First, let's address the elephant in the room - uhh, I mean or rather, the new physical realities of our female colleagues." He said nervously due to his poor choice of words with the head of the HR department looked him down in disapproval. "We've contracted architects to redesign our office space to be more accommodating. This will include wider doorways, reinforced furniture, and adjustable desks to suit various heights."

A murmur of approval rippled through the transformed women. Diana nodded appreciatively, recalling her struggles with the existing office furniture.

"Secondly," Ted said, "we're implementing a new dress code policy. We understand that finding appropriate business attire has been challenging for many of you. Therefore, we're partnering with a local tailor to provide custom-fitted workwear at a subsidised rate. In the mean time, non business attire is permitted as long as it is more appropriate than your current outfits. Some of you have told me that you felt more comfortable in your husbands or partners tracksuits and pants, that's allowed."

This announcement was met with enthusiastic applause. Diana felt a wave of relief wash over her, remembering her disastrous shopping trip.

"Additionally," Ted pressed on, "we're instituting sensitivity training for all employees to foster a respectful and inclusive work environment. This will help us navigate the new dynamics in our office and with our clients."

Ted then opened the floor for questions. Hands shot up across the room, and Diana listened intently as her colleagues voiced their concerns and suggestions.

Melissa from accounting stood up, her newly muscular frame causing her chair to groan in protest. "What about transportation? Some of us are having trouble fitting into our cars now."

Ted nodded. "Excellent point, Melissa. We're looking into providing a shuttle service with specially modified vehicles for those who need it."

Another woman, Sarah from IT, spoke up. "Are we going to address the client issue? Some of our male clients seem uncomfortable dealing with us now."

Ted looked nervous but forged ahead. "Yes, we're developing new client engagement strategies. We believe that once the initial shock wears off, your increased presence will actually be a significant asset in negotiations and presentations."

Towards the end of the meeting, Ted addressed one final point. "Lastly, I want to assure everyone that these changes will not affect our merit-based promotion system. All employees, regardless of their physical status, will be evaluated based on their performance and qualifications."

Diana and Jerry locked eyes across the room. The unspoken competition between them was still very much alive.

As the meeting adjourned, Diana felt a renewed sense of purpose. The company was adapting, and so would she. She'd learned valuable lessons about the limitations and advantages of her new form, and she was determined to use this knowledge to excel in her work.

She watched as her colleagues filed out of the room, a diverse mix of transformed and non-transformed employees. The road ahead would be challenging, but Diana felt optimistic. This new world would require all of them to grow, not just physically, but in understanding and cooperation.

As she ducked through the doorway to leave, Diana made a resolution. She would strive to be not just the biggest or the strongest, but the most adaptable and empathetic leader she could be. The promotion was still her goal, but now she understood that true success in this new reality would require much more than physical dominance.

In the weeks following the company-wide meeting, a tense atmosphere of competition settled over the office. Diana and Jerry, both eyeing the coveted Senior Account Manager position, redoubled their efforts to outperform each other.

One morning, Diana strode into the office, her newly tailored suit accentuating her impressive physique without being overly intimidating. She noticed Jerry huddled with a group of colleagues, all of them poring over some documents.

"Morning, team," Diana called out, her voice carrying easily across the room. "What's the huddle about?"

Jerry looked up, a glint of challenge in his eyes. "Oh, just finalising the pitch for the Zenith account. You know, the one you couldn't land last month?"

Diana felt a flash of irritation but kept her composure. "Is that so? Well, best of luck with that, Jerry. I'm sure your... diminutive charm will win them over," she said with a smirk, unable to resist the jab at his size.

Jerry's face reddened slightly, but he maintained his cool. "At least I won't scare them off by knocking over their boardroom table," he retorted, referencing Diana's recent mishap with a client.

Their colleagues watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and discomfort, the tension palpable.

Diana leaned down, bringing her face closer to Jerry's level. "We'll see who comes out on top, little man. May the best person win."

As she straightened up and walked away, Diana couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. She knew her behavior wasn't entirely professional, but the competitive drive was hard to shake.

Later that day, Diana overheard Jerry on the phone, his voice strained as he struggled to close a deal. Without thinking, she found herself moving towards his desk.

"Try emphasizing the long-term cost savings," she whispered, surprising herself with the gesture.

Jerry looked up, startled and suspicious. But after a moment's hesitation, he incorporated her suggestion into his pitch. To both their surprise, it worked, and Jerry secured the contract.

As he hung up the phone, Jerry eyed Diana warily. "Thanks," he said, the word sounding foreign between them. "But don't think this changes anything. I'm still gunning for that promotion."

Diana nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Wouldn't have it any other way, Jerry. The race is still on."

As she returned to her desk, Diana felt conflicted. Her competitive nature was still very much alive, but she was beginning to realize that there might be room for both rivalry and cooperation in this new world.

The following week brought a mix of successes and setbacks for both Diana and Jerry. They continued to vie for top accounts, sometimes collaborating out of necessity, other times engaging in subtle (and not-so-subtle) one-upmanship.

Diana found herself adapting to her new body, learning to use her imposing presence to her advantage in some situations while toning it down in others. She still reveled in the power her new physique gave her, but she was becoming more aware of when to flex her muscles, both literally and figuratively.

As the date for the promotion decision drew near, the entire office buzzed with speculation. Who would Ted choose? The transformed powerhouse who commanded attention wherever she went, or the scrappy underdog who refused to be overshadowed?

Diana sat at her desk, reviewing her sales figures one last time. She glanced over at Jerry, who was doing the same. Their eyes met, and for a moment, a silent understanding passed between them. They had both worked hard, adapted to unprecedented changes, and pushed each other to be better.

Whatever the outcome, Diana realized, this rivalry had shaped them both. But as she turned back to her work, she couldn't help but think to herself with a smirk, "That promotion is mine."

The stage was set. The players were ready. All that remained was for Ted to make his decision, and for better or worse, the office dynamics would never be the same again.



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