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Hi hi ✨

A very overdue second part to this story! Find out who Eric chose as his roommate for the foreseeable future. But from the image, you might already have a good idea 😅. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the continuation of this story, and trust me, there are plenty of places we can take it, so please leave your suggestions for possible continuations down in the comments ⬇️. If you need a quick reminder, here is part 1.


📦 Grab the full res image from the attachment section of this post. ⬇️


Looking for a Roommate Part 2

Eric stirred awake, the gentle sunlight filtering through his new bedroom window. It had been a week since he'd made the decision to move in with Cristal, and so far, it had been... interesting, to say the least. He stretched, his muscles aching slightly from the move. Cristal had insisted on carrying most of his belongings up to the fifth-floor apartment herself, effortlessly hoisting boxes and furniture that would have taken Eric multiple trips.

"It's no bother, really!" she had chirped, her biceps bulging as she balanced a wardrobe on one shoulder. "Besides, it's good for my chi!"

Eric had simply nodded, still getting used to the sight of women casually displaying such incredible strength.

Now, as he padded out of his room in his pyjamas, he was greeted by an unexpected sight. Cristal was seated cross-legged on an enormous yoga mat in the living room, her eyes closed in deep concentration. Across from her sat another woman, equally statuesque and muscular, mirroring Cristal's pose.

"Oh, bollocks," Eric muttered under his breath, remembering Cristal's mention of client sessions in the apartment. He'd hoped to have a quiet Saturday morning, maybe whip up some breakfast and start his job search. But it seemed the universe - or at least Cristal - had other plans.

Not wanting to disturb them, Eric tiptoed towards the kitchen, wincing at every creak of the floorboards beneath his feet. The two women remained motionless, apparently deep in whatever spiritual exercise they were performing.

Once in the kitchen, Eric found himself faced with a new challenge. Cristal had already adapted the apartment to accommodate her new size, which meant most things were just out of comfortable reach for him. He eyed the cups on the top shelf, calculating the risk of trying to reach them.

"Come on, mate," he muttered to himself. "You can do this. It's just a bloody cup."

Standing on his tiptoes, Eric stretched his arm as far as it would go. His fingers brushed against the handle of a mug, and for a moment, he felt triumphant. But then, in a cruel twist of fate, his fingers slipped, and the cup tumbled from the shelf.

The crash of ceramic on tile was deafening in the quiet apartment. Eric froze, his eyes wide with horror as he slowly turned to face the living room.

Both Cristal and her client had their eyes open now, staring at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement. The silence stretched for what felt like an eternity before Cristal spoke.

"Everything alright in there, Eric?" she called, her voice filled with barely suppressed laughter.

Eric felt his face burning with embarrassment. "Yeah, uh, just had a bit of trouble with a cup. Sorry for interrupting your... whatever it is you're doing."

Cristal's client, a woman with vibrant red hair and arms that looked like they could bend steel, chuckled. "Chakra alignment," she supplied helpfully. "We're realigning our energy to better suit our new forms."

"Right," Eric nodded, as if that made perfect sense to him. "Of course you are."

Cristal rose to her feet in one fluid motion, her head nearly brushing the ceiling. "Why don't you join us, Eric? It might help you feel more... centred."

Eric glanced at the shattered remains of the cup, then back at the two towering women. "I don't know, Cristal. I'm not really the spiritual type. Besides, I've got to clean this up and start looking for a job."

"Nonsense," Cristal waved her hand dismissively. "The mess can wait, and job hunting with unaligned chakras is just asking for trouble. Come on, it'll be fun!"

The client, Jade, nodded encouragingly. "Yeah, come on, little guy. It can't hurt to try, right?"

Eric sighed, realising he was outnumbered. "Alright, alright. But I warn you, I'm about as spiritual as a brick."

Cristal beamed, her smile lighting up the room. "That's the spirit! Or... lack thereof, I suppose. Come on, we'll start with some basic breathing exercises."

As Eric reluctantly made his way to the living room, he couldn't help but wonder what he'd gotten himself into. He'd moved in expecting quiet mornings with a slightly weird roommate, and instead found himself about to participate in a spiritual session with two amazons.

"Right then, can't wait to start!" he muttered sarcastically under his breath as he sat down on the mat, feeling dwarfed by the women on either side of him. "What the fuck is this spiritual chakra-chi-bullshit, not that I can argue against it now, they would crush me." He thought.

Eric sat cross-legged on the mat, feeling rather out of place between the two towering women. He tried to focus on his breathing as Cristal had instructed, but his mind kept wandering. After a few minutes of this, Cristal began to speak in a soft, soothing voice.

"Now, Jade," she addressed her client, "let's discuss the true origin of our magnificent new forms."

Eric's ears perked up, curious despite his skepticism.

"These bodies," Cristal continued, her voice taking on an almost reverent tone, "were bestowed upon us by our creators from the planet Amazonium."

Eric had to stifle a snort. He glanced at Jade, expecting to see a similar look of disbelief, but the redhead was nodding along earnestly.

"Amazonium," Cristal explained, "is a world populated entirely by Amazon women. They wished for their creations - that's us - to have more powerful bodies capable of containing our true energy."

Eric listened, torn between amusement and incredulity. He'd expected some new-age waffle, but this was on another level entirely.

Cristal went on, her voice growing more passionate. "By channeling and truly understanding our energy, we can better adapt to these new bodies. And not only that, we can even connect on a spiritual level with our creators from Amazonium."

Jade gasped in awe. "That's amazing, Cristal! How do we do it?"

Cristal smiled, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, that's where our next practical exercise comes in. And for this, we'll need Eric's help."

Eric, who had been zoning out slightly, snapped back to attention at the mention of his name. "Sorry, what?"

"You see," Cristal continued, ignoring Eric's confused expression, "I haven't been able to perform this activity before due to a lack of male volunteers."

Eric felt a twinge of worry at these words. "Hang on a minute-"

But Cristal was already forging ahead with her explanation. "You see, it's much like magnets. If we want to connect with our creators, we need both a positive and a negative actuator of energy."

She gestured to herself and Jade. "We are full of positive, feminine energy. And well..." She turned to Eric with a mischievous grin, "men hold the negative, masculine energy."

Eric's eyes widened as the implication sank in. "Now, hold on just a bloody minute-"

"So," Cristal concluded cheerfully, "we'll be using Eric here for the connection!"

Jade clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh, brilliant! I've never done anything like this before!"

Eric looked from one enthusiastic face to the other, feeling like he'd somehow stumbled into a bizarre dream. "Uh, ladies? Don't I get a say in this?"

Cristal patted his shoulder, her hand nearly engulfing his entire upper arm. "Oh, don't worry, Eric. It's perfectly safe. Probably."

"Probably?" Eric squeaked.

"Now," Cristal said, ignoring Eric's protest, "let's form a circle. Jade and I will sit on either side of Eric."

As the two Amazon women shifted to flank him, Eric found himself feeling very small indeed. He cleared his throat nervously. "Look, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with-"

"Shh," Cristal hushed him gently. "Just relax and let the energy flow. You'll be fine."

Eric glanced from Cristal to Jade and back again, realizing he was well and truly outnumbered. He sighed in resignation. "Right then. What exactly am I supposed to do?"

Cristal beamed at him. "Just sit there and be your naturally negative self!"

"Cheers," Eric muttered sarcastically. "Good to know I'm useful for something."

As Cristal began to instruct Jade on the finer points of cosmic energy channeling, Eric couldn't help but wonder how on earth he'd ended up in this situation. One week into his new living arrangement, and here he was, acting as some sort of spiritual conduit for a pair of Amazon women who believed they were created by aliens.

"Well," he thought to himself, "at least I have a roof over my head now."

As they sat in the circle, hands clasped together, Eric felt nothing but the increasing discomfort of his crossed legs and the warmth of the two enormous hands engulfing his own. He kept his eyes closed, partly to avoid breaking the "connection" and partly to hide his skepticism. The last thing he wanted was to upset two women who could probably crush both of his hands without even trying.

After what felt like an eternity, but was likely only a few minutes, he heard twin gasps of delight. Cristal and Jade's eyes flew open, their faces flushed with excitement.

"Oh my goodness sister, that was incredible!" Jade exclaimed, her voice filled with awe.

Before Eric could react, Jade lunged forward, wrapping Cristal in an enormous bear hug. Unfortunately for Eric, he was caught in the middle of this amazonian embrace. His face was pressed uncomfortably between two walls of hard muscle, and he found himself sandwiched between protruding chests that seemed more akin to those wighted balls of the gym than soft tissue.

"Can't... breathe..." Eric wheezed, his voice muffled and barely audible.

The women, caught up in their euphoria, didn't even notice his predicament until they finally broke apart. Eric gasped for air, his hair disheveled and his face red.

"Oh, Eric!" Jade exclaimed, suddenly remembering his existence. Without warning, she scooped him up in her arms, lifting him off the ground as if he weighed no more than a kitten. "Thank you so much! That was life-changing!"

Eric's feet dangled helplessly as Jade squeezed him in gratitude. "No... problem..." he managed to squeak out.

After setting him down, Jade slipped on her shoes, which looked comically small compared to her massive frame. She then pulled out her wallet and handed Cristal a thick wad of bills. Eric's eyes widened at the sight. Suddenly, Cristal's ability to afford such a nice flat on her own made a lot more sense.

As Cristal scheduled Jade's next appointment, Eric found himself rubbing his sore ribs, wondering if this was going to be a regular occurrence.

Once Jade had left, Cristal turned to Eric with a bright smile. "Thank you so much for participating, Eric! How about I treat you to breakfast as a thank you?"

Eric, still a bit dazed from the experience, nodded. "Yeah, alright. I could do with a bite."

They walked to a nearby café, Eric having to take two steps for every one of Cristal's long strides. As they settled into their seats, Eric opened his mouth, ready to ask if she really believed all that stuff about Amazonium and cosmic energy. But looking at the enthusiasm on her face as she perused the menu, he thought better of it. After all, she was his landlady, and questioning her beliefs might not be the wisest move.

Instead, Cristal spoke up, her voice brimming with excitement. "Eric, you were really good in there! Your energy is perfect for helping my clients."

Eric paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. "Oh? Uh, thanks, I guess."

"No, really!" Cristal insisted. "In fact, I was thinking... would you be interested in assisting me with some of my sessions? I'd pay you, of course."

Eric nearly choked on his scrambled eggs. "You want me to what?"

Cristal leaned forward, her massive frame making the table between them look like doll furniture. "It would be simple, really. You'd just need to be there, like today. Your masculine energy is crucial for the balance. Plus, it would help you earn some extra cash while you're job hunting."

Eric sat back, considering the offer. On one hand, it sounded absolutely bonkers. On the other hand, the rent wasn't going to pay itself, and job prospects had been slim lately.

"I... I'll think about it," he finally said, not committing either way.

Cristal beamed at him. "Wonderful! Oh, this is going to be so exciting. Just think, Eric - you could be instrumental in helping women across the city connect with their Amazonian heritage!"

As Eric watched Cristal enthusiastically outline her plans between bites of her enormous breakfast, he couldn't help but wonder what he'd gotten himself into. One week into living with Cristal, and his life had already taken a turn for the bizarre.

"Well," he thought to himself, taking a sip of his coffee, "at least it's not boring. And who knows? Maybe there's something to this Amazonium business after all." He chuckled quietly at the absurdity of it all, earning a curious look from Cristal.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

Eric shook his head, smiling. "Nothing, nothing. Just... thinking about the strange turns life can take."

Cristal nodded sagely. "Oh yes, the universe works in mysterious ways. Speaking of which, have I told you about the cosmic significance of pancakes?"

As Cristal launched into another fantastical theory, Eric settled in for what promised to be a very interesting breakfast indeed.




Story definitely is very interresting, during the middle of reading the story, I got scared for Eric that he might could be hurt. Luckily I got relieved, haha. Story definitely was nice and had a special kind of tension. I wonder how it goes on, I was quite sceptical of Cristal but that scepticism sunk a bit. I wonder how it goes on, let's hope my man Eric doesn't get crushed accidently again- ^^ And like always, love your writing!

Alan John

Really Great! Cristal is so nice!


Thank you so much! Your feedback helps me a ton as I'm in the middle of writing more stories! And who knows, maybe Cristal knows something that we don'}t!