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I hope you enjoy my first collaboration story with Flex4815! You can read part 1 here but I will leave both parts for you here if you want to refresh your memory


Part 1

The bustling noise of the airport surrounded Jake and Emily as they approached the check-in counter. Emily, towering over most of the crowd and with muscles that strained against her casual clothes, was in high spirits, excited for their long-awaited vacation.

"Alright, babe," Jake said, pulling out their tickets. "Got everything we need right here."

Emily glanced at the tickets and her face immediately clouded over. "What do you mean we’re in economy?" she demanded.

Jake blinked, taken aback by the sudden shift in her tone. "Uh, yeah, economy. It’s not that long of a flight. I figured we could save some money."

Emily’s eyes narrowed. "Save some money? Jake, do you have any idea how small those seats are? There’s no way I’m fitting into one of those."

Jake sighed, trying to keep his cool. "Look, Em, I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. We can manage, right?"

Emily folded her arms, her biceps bulging. "No, Jake, we can’t 'manage'. I’m not squeezing into one of those tiny seats for hours. You should’ve booked us business class."

"Come on, Em, it’s just a couple of hours. We’ll be fine."

"No, Jake," she said firmly. "I’m not putting up with that. If we’re stuck in economy, then you’re sitting in my lap."

Jake’s eyes widened. "What? You can’t be serious."

"Dead serious," Emily replied, glaring at him. "Either upgrade the tickets or get comfortable on my lap."

Jake ran a hand through his hair, exasperated. "Emily, you know how embarrassing that would be?"

"And you know how uncomfortable I’d be? Your call."

Jake sighed, looking around as if hoping for some miraculous solution to appear. "Fine, let me see if I can upgrade."

Emily watched him walk to the counter, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. She knew she was being a bit harsh, but the thought of cramming herself into an economy seat was unbearable.

A few minutes later, Jake returned, looking defeated. "They’re fully booked. No upgrades available."

Emily frowned. "Great. So, what now?"

Jake hesitated. "Look, maybe we can ask for one of those extra legroom seats? Or maybe they’ll be understanding if we explain?"

Emily shook her head. "Jake, this is why I asked you to handle it in advance. But fine, let’s go see what we can do."

They made their way to the gate, where Jake spoke to the airline staff, trying to explain their situation. The staff member, clearly accustomed to dealing with various requests, nodded sympathetically.

"I understand, sir," she said. "We’ll do our best to accommodate you, but our flight is quite full."

Jake glanced back at Emily, who was tapping her foot impatiently. "Is there anything you can do?"

The staff member sighed. "Let me see what we can arrange. Please have a seat, and we’ll call you if we can find a solution."

Jake returned to Emily, who raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

"They’re checking. We’ll see."

Emily sighed. "This better work out, Jake. I’m not kidding about the lap thing."

Jake laughed nervously. "Yeah, I know you’re not."

After what felt like an eternity, the staff member called them over. "Good news," she said with a smile. "We found a couple of seats with extra legroom. Not quite business class, but it should be more comfortable for you."

Emily’s face softened. "Thank you," she said, genuinely relieved.

Jake grinned. "See? All sorted."

Emily shook her head, though she was smiling now. "Next time, just book the right seats, okay?"

"Got it," Jake said, pulling her into a quick hug. "Let’s get on this plane and start our vacation."

They headed to their seats, the tension easing as they settled in for the flight. As the plane took off, Emily glanced at Jake, who was already dozing off.

"Next time," she muttered to herself, "business class. No exceptions."


Part 2

Emily shuffled slowly through the airport security line with a blank stare on her face. Her boyfriend Jake was standing next to her as they both patiently waited as the slow-moving slog of travellers inched their way forward. She wasn't in a bad mood, but she did feel drained from all the fun they had on their vacation with relatively few hiccups. The getaway was definitely a success, but Emily was ready to get home and be done with traveling. She just wasn't in the mood for it and did not have the patience for any complications, no matter how small.


Emily let out a small sigh of relief after the couple finally made their way past the security checkpoint without incident. The most tedious part was over, and all that was left was to find the gate and wait for boarding to begin.


"Which gate are we babe?" Emily asked Jake as they began walking toward the terminals. "Can I see our boarding passes please?"


"Sure thing Em," Jake responded as he pulled out the passes from his backpack and handed them to his girlfriend, who as always, towered over him standing right beside him. When Emily reached out to grab them, it seemed as if half of Jake's body disappeared behind her massive, thickly muscled arms. Her biceps were literally the same size as her boyfriend's head, and that's not an exaggeration.


"Looks like we're headed for Gate 21A," Emily said as the two of them continued walking through the concourse. "Which is nice because - "


Emily stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes glanced over their seat assignments on the plane. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and slowly looked up to shoot a pointed glare at her boyfriend, who was about to be in a world of trouble.


"Jake, these better not be the right tickets," Emily snapped, staring intensely down at her boyfriend. "Please tell me you made a mistake or you're trying to make a stupid joke I'm not in the mood for."


Jake was confused but also incredibly uneasy in that moment. Emily was clearly agitated, and it was always terrifying when your 6'10", 290lb girlfriend was upset, especially at him. "Ehhhhhmmmm... I'm pretty sure those are our boarding passes babe. Why, what's - "


"You booked our seats in economy AGAIN?!" Emily asked incredulously, pointing at the seat number on the boarding pass. "We literally just went through all this at the beginning of the trip, and you've already screwed this up again? I can't fit in an economy seat. How many times do I have to go over this with you??"


"Wait, what?" Jake responded flustered, trying to get a look at the boarding passes. "No, I swear I didn't book econ-"


"Well, apparently you did babe," Emily sneered with her hands on her hips, her tall, imposing muscular frame now leaning over Jake. "Whether it was ignorance or carelessness, you reserved these crappy seats I don't physically fit in!"


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I-I'll get it fixed," Jake said frantically, already taking long, quick strides in the direction of the ticketing agent at their gate. "I'll just get them to switch them out again. It'll be fine."


Emily folded her huge arms as she watched her boyfriend scramble toward his prayer for a solution. "You better!" she said, "Or you know what happens..."


Jake let out a nervous chuckle as he turned away from his angry Amazon girlfriend and made a beeline for their gate. He knew he got lucky and barely dodged a bullet with the upgrade they received on their flight out, and he was praying all his luck didn't run out in that moment.


Emily found a bank of empty seats at their gate to sit down and wait while Jake tried to fix the mess he made. She couldn't believe they were dealing with the exact same problem he caused earlier in the week. That's what bothered her more than anything, and she was just too annoyed by the entire situation to let Jake slide if he couldn't fix his screw-up this time.


After, about 20 minutes, Emily saw her boyfriend shuffle over toward her. He did not have the same look of relief he had on his face like last time, and he never looked up the entire walk over to where Emily was sitting. She knew it was going to be bad news.


"Well?" Emily chirped at Jake, her patience officially at its end. "You were able to switch them, right?"


"Uh, no, I wasn't," Jake said in a hushed, defeated tone. "This one's completely booked."


Emily just glared at her boyfriend standing in front of her, who wasn't that much taller than she was when she was sitting down. Jake seemed even smaller in front of her due to her monster quads protruding out over the space in front of her. It would've been clear as day to anyone walking by her that those awesome tree trunk thighs could fit in the space afforded by any standard economy row on even the biggest of airplanes.


The call to begin boarding for their flight echoed over the load speaker as Jake continued to look at his shoes. He could feel his girlfriend seething at him and was too afraid to look her directly in the eyes when she was this angry with him. He finally mustered up the courage to say something to her.


"Look, babe, I'm really sorry. I know I screwed up, and I swear I'll - "


"It's not that I want the extra room, Jake. I NEED it," Emily said in a slicing tone to cut her boyfriend off and shut him up. "So if the airline can't give it to me, that means you have to."


Jake's eyes widened and finally shot up at Emily, knowing exactly what she meant by that. "Baby, please don't. Please don't humiliate me like that."


As Jake barely finished his plea to his Amazon girlfriend to take pity on him, Emily had already stood up and scooped her boyfriend up from underneath his armpits in a flash. Before anyone could blink, she had settled Jake onto her hip like he was a small infant, carrying him in the middle of the airport as if he weighed nothing.


"Sorry babe, but I'm not spending the next three hours feeling like a sardine," Emily said with a smirk. "And not only that, but I think spending the entirety of the flight in my lap is just the thing that will make sure you NEVER put us in coach again."


Jake felt his heart drop all the way through his stomach as Emily began walking toward the boarding line. As if feeling his feet dangle helplessly above the floor wasn't bad enough, the embarrassment really started to sink in as he began briefly locking eyes with people who started staring at him. There he was - a 28-year-old man being carried like a foolish child by his super strong Amazon girlfriend in the middle of a busy airport - his scrawny body in one arm, all their carry-on luggage in the other. Seconds started to feel like minutes as he realized how pathetic he looked.


"Please Emily, put me down," Jake pleaded in a hushed tone, doing everything possible not to make more of a scene. "This is so embarrassing. Everyone is staring."


"Oh no, not a chance mister!" Emily said as she playfully bounced him up in her arm a couple times. "Your feet aren't even going to touch the floor of the plane, so you better get nice and comfortable. Besides, you might as well get used to the stares since it'll be a good hour or two on the plane until everyone loses interest in you."


Jake wanted to bury his head into Emily just to feel as if he were invisible, but he figured looking like even more of a baby in that moment was the last thing he should do. He was so busy panicking he didn't realize they had already reached the front of the line to scan their passes.


"Jakey, show her our passes so we can get on the plane," Emily said, giving Jake a little shake in her huge arm.


As he pulled out their boarding passes, the ticket agent just smiled and said, "Wow, it must be nice to have a girl who's strong enough to just pick you up and carry you when you're too tired to walk. How sweet!"


Jake smiled back sheepishly and Emily said, "Yeah, he's lucky. I can barely take him to the mall before he gets tuckered out and jumps into my arms, but he can't get enough of it!"


"How adorable! You two enjoy the flight now," she said as Emily carried Jake into the rollaway ramp and toward the plane.


The walk down the aisle of the plane felt like an eternity, as everyone who had already taken their seats couldn't help but just stare up at Jake while they waited awkwardly for everyone in front of them to stow their carry-on luggage and sit down. Emily leaned into his embarrassment every now and then by talking to him like a baby, saying things like "How's my big man doing?" and giving him loud smooches on his cheek. As he could hear all the snickering behind him, he finally gave in and buried his face into Emily's big round shoulder clasped his ankles around her waist.


"Alright, here we are," Emily said as she nudged Jake off her shoulder. "Here, hold your bag for a minute so I can get them stowed and keep a nice firm grip on you!"


Emily laughed a little as she said that and swung her bag up into the overhead compartment, then took Jake's bag and did the same. Then she reached down to flip up the armrest between the two seats to make the space manageable for a woman her size.


"You're lucky at least it's just a set of two seats we're in," Emily said. "Could you imagine if there was someone sitting right next to you while you spent the entire flight sitting in your girlfriend's lap?"


Emily laughed at the thought as she settled into the seats and placed her boyfriend on her thick, muscular legs. As she adjusted to make herself more comfortable, she pulled her skinny boyfriend in closer to her big strong Amazonian body. Jake was mortified being so publicly womanhandled like a toddler who could barely walk.


Finally all settled, Emily flashed a wry yet triumphant smile at her boyfriend. While she did feel a little bad for emasculating him like this in front of so many people, she was enjoying punishing him for being such an idiot at the same time. What's the point of being this big and strong if you're not gonna use it every once and a while, right?


"Please Emily, I feel like such an idiot sitting in your lap like a 5-year-old," Jake whined. "I'll do anything if you just let me sit in the seat next to you like a normal person. Please!"


Emily just shook her head and held him tighter, using her supreme strength to make this tiny little squeeze cause just a few moments of discomfort. "You're supposed to feel like an idiot. Hopefully you feel like such an idiot this will never happen again. That's the point. Besides, this can't be that bad for you," she paused as she leaned in closer to Jake's face and whisper, "You love it when I carry you around sit you in my lap when we're alone."


Emily gave Jake a huge smile and another big kiss on the cheek before gently pulling him closer into her chest. She rested her head on top of his and said, "You might as well try and take a nap, that way it'll seem like all of this barely even happened. Plus, you've got to admit, these big thick quads are much more comfortable than any ordinary airplane seat to fall asleep in!"


As I said, this was a collaboration with, you can check his DA's page here.




Oh yea 😆 the embarrassment lol