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"Settle down, class! We only have an hour left until summer break, but that's no excuse for this kind of behavior."

Blaire raised her voice as loudly as she could manage, but it was like a feeble whisper amid the loud laughter and shouting of her freshman math students. At 5'4" and maybe 120 pounds, she cut a petite figure even among the 14-year-olds. Her slim arms tensed with the effort of clapping her hands together sharply.

"Hey! Eyes up front! We're going over the final exam solutions before you go."

A few students glanced her way with disinterested looks before resuming their boisterous conversations about their summer plans. Blaire felt her face flushing red. This was how every class had gone her entire first year teaching - a struggle for even the barest shred of control or respect. She tried raising her voice again to no avail.

The dismissal bell mercifully rang, and the teenagers instantly burst from their seats like an uncorked bottle of soda, voices and laughter filling the hallway outside. Blaire sank into her chair, brushing a stray lock of her brunette hair from her face. Finally the days of feeling like the world's biggest doormat had ended, until they started again in the fall semester.

At least there was summer break to look forward to. Maybe things would be different when they came back...

"Holy shit, Charlene! Have you been working out or something?"

Blaire stepped out onto her best friend's pool deck, mouth open. Charlene stood there in a teal bikini, her tall, lithe frame now packed with thick slabs of muscle. Her shoulders and arms looked like a bodybuilder's, ripped shoulders capped with canyons of striations.

Charlene laughed and flexed one of her bulging biceps. "You're not gonna believe this, but I actually went to the gym just once and woke up like this!" She said in a joking tone expecting a follow up from her tiny friend, but there was none. "Wait girl, have you been living under a rock, have you not watched the news?"

She spread her hands over the rock-hard mounds of her abdominals. "I mean, look at this six-pack! I used to have the flattest tummy and now I've got bricks for abs. I'm telling you is that fmg virus everyone is talking about!"

Blaire ran her hand over Charlene's firm, protruding musculature in disbelief. It wasn't just defined - it was massively built up, with the individual muscles huge and striated. Just her bicep had to be bigger than Blaire's thigh.

"Shit, be careful!" Charlene laughed as Blaire nearly lost her balance feeling up the solid mass of her friend's body. "I'm still getting used to being a fucking titan myself."

"B-But how?" Blaire gestured up and down Charlene's frame - aside from her muscle-bound physique, she'd also grown to around 6'8".

Charlene shrugged her massively broad shoulders. "Guess that shit affects everyone differently."

She pushed off from the pool deck, her thunderous strides shaking the concrete. With a mighty leap, Charlene launched herself into the deep end, cannonballing into the water with an immense splash.

When she surfaced, slicking her short blonde hair back, Charlene flexed her titanic arms upward and her chest exploded with bulging pec shelves and deep cleavage.

"This virus shit is wild! Feel how thick my chest got too!"

Blaire hesitantly reached down and felt the granite-dense slabs of Charlene's pumped cleavage. She couldn't wrap her hands around the enormous mounds. Shaking her head faintly, she mumbled, "What is even happening?"

A few days later, Blaire woke up with a struggle, feeling like her bones were made of lead. She shoved off the bedsheets and blankets, sitting up with a grunt of effort.

That's when she saw it - her calves had swollen to double their size overnight, shaped into pronounced diamonds and striations of new muscle mass. Her nightshirt was practically being shredded by a similar eruption over her arms.

"No way..." she whispered, jumping out of bed.

She rushed over to the mirror, stripping off her nightshirt. The virus had been gradually transforming her body over the last day or two as she slept. Her shoulders were capped in knots of dense power, thick cords of musculature climbing down to forearms like a bodybuilder's. Her chest had grown into a small but distinct shelf of cleavage. But most shocking were her abs - what was once a flat tummy had swelled into a etched, ripped six-pack like a sculptor had chiseled it from marble.

Over the next few days, Blaire bore witness to her frame undergoing a genuine metamorphosis. She quickly surpassed the biggest bodybuilder she'd ever seen, earning vast tracts of striated, vascular bulk on her arms, shoulders, back, and legs. Her pecs inflated into heavy, tear-drop shaped masses with deep crevices. More and more mass piled onto her at every turn until she stood 6'10" with a monumental figure.

By the time summer was ending, Blaire, like countless other American women, had gone from an average slender woman to an enormous, burly Amazon dwarfing the average man by multiple feet and hundreds of pounds of shredded beef. The mandatory tests the government initiated after the initial outbreak confirmed her new statistics: 6'10" and 390 lbs of dense muscular bulk.

Catching a side glimpse of herself in the mirror always triggered a double-take - Blaire could hardly recognise the titanic, musclebound amazon staring back at her. But her timid nature remained no matter how large and powerful her body became.

The first day of Blaire's second year teaching high school math was a quiet morning routine that felt utterly foreign. Even pulling on a pair of beige shorts, she could barely fit one trunk-like thigh through the leg holes. Simply bending down to slip on her shoes was an effort that flexed and tensed her colossal musculature.

She settled on the largest items of clothing she could find - a snug red knee-length skirt that clung to every bulging quad and calf curve, and a white blouse that struggled to contain her burgeoning cleavage. Blaire kept her thick, powerful arms crossed over her chest, staring at herself in the mirror.

Tentatively, she unfurled one arm straight out and flexed her bicep. The spring-loaded peak that erupted was wider than a basketball, casting an intimidating shadow across the carpet. A whole forest of veins and fibers danced beneath the skin. Blaire chewed her lip anxiously. On one hand, even she had to admit her new massively muscular physique looked striking and powerful like a female Olympic gymnist or weightlifter.

But on the other, that timid voice in the back of her mind whispered, 'That's not me at all...'

When Blaire arrived at school, she pulled into the mostly vacant staff lot with a feeling of heavy trepidation. Her bright red sedan looked like a toy jammed into one of the narrow parking spaces. Just opening the door caused the frame to groan and protest as she stepped out, standing head and shoulders over the vehicle's roof. She had to virtually bend double just to clamber out without braining herself.

Walking into the building, Blaire passed by a few male faculty members - all of whom now stood around 5 feet or so looking like children compared to her new stature. They greeted her with surprised expressions, gawking at her dramatically amplified physique. Even the janitor, an older bearded man, did a visible double-take as Blaire's mountainous, swaying muscular form strode past him down the hallway.

When she reached her classroom, she found several students had already arrived and were milling about. In years past, they always vastly towered over Blaire's diminutive frame. Now the opposite was true - she loomed over the adolescents. A few looked up at the gargantuan Amazon woman with slack jaws.

"Holy shit..." one boy mumbled under his breath, craning his neck skyward. "Th-that's not really Miss Jennings, is it?"

Blaire felt her face redden as she cleared her throat, the rumbling sound easily filling the classroom. "Language! But uh, yes...it's me. Miss Jennings. Just...a bit of a growth spurt over the summer, that's all, like I'm sure most of your moms and older sisters did."

She set her teaching materials and bag down on the desk, which now looked tiny and low to the ground compared to her towering height. Blaire had to bend deeply at the waist, her melon-sized breasts pressing against the blouse's fabric tightly. She shifted awkwardly, feeling like a giant trying to squeeze into a dollhouse.

One by one, more students filed in, their conversations and laughter trailing off as they spotted their former unassuming math teacher's jaw-dropping transformation. Blaire caught snatches of whispered comments - "Damn, did you see how jacked Miss J got??" and "She's bigger than my Uncle Zeke, the gym owner!"

A few boys looked almost intimidated by her titanic muscular bulk, while others had eyes roaming up and down her frame with undisguised interest. The girls likewise gawked with a mix of shock, envy, and admiration.

By the time the bell rang, Blaire stood before a classroom full of students staring up at her with utterly rapt attention. She could feel their eyes tracing every chiseled, striated contour of her body - from the bulging domes of her shoulders to the thick, flared lats spreading across her back. Her legs alone were as hugely muscular as a pair of roid-raging bodybuilders.

Feeling self-conscious yet also empowered by her newly amplified presence, Blaire boomed out in a voice twice as powerful as before, "Alright class, let's get started! Turn to chapter one in your textbooks..."

As the students scrambled to follow her lead, Blaire allowed the faintest hint of a confident smile to crease her full lips. Maybe this year wouldn't be such a struggle after all.

Over the next few weeks, she quickly adapted to her new role as one of the school's resident "Amazons" - like many of the faculty and nearly all the students' mothers. Her previously meek and mousy classroom demeanour was almost an afterthought compared to her physically spectacular, herculean presence.


Grab the full res image from the attachment section of this post. This was an image I already had, so I don't have the individual images, but I will have them for upcoming sequences.



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