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Hayo! Hope you've all been well! 

Sorry it's been a hot minute. We took some time off for the holidays, AND ALSO BOTH GOT SICK, and then more recently my eyeballs have been being cringe again, so I've been taking time off from screens.

BUT, none the less, here's an update! 

Starting with a Word from Vixel!

1/9 weekly update:
Happy new year, floofs! ^w^

Got the flu right after Christmas, and was couch-bound for about a week! Feeling better now except for fatigue and a lingering cough.

Made progress over the holidays on our next build. This week Carrot and I are working together to polish some rough spots before it's ready to publish!

Have a lovely week! <3


I've been up to putting something in motion that I've been needing to for a while. I launched a sketchfolio fundraiser to help pay for student loans, I've been meaning to launch it for months now, but haven't really had the downtime for it. Now it's up and running, and there's a bit of managing that has to go into it over the next few weeks while I roll the full thing out.

But that's seperate from patreon shenanigans. Patreon-shenanigans wise, the Bun animation for last month is SOOO CLOSE to being done. I've had to let it go in the back burner since my eyeballs have been cringe, but I've got like, 40 ish frames to iron out then I can push it out! I might to a preview video for it a lil later.

I ALSO HAVE A COOL ASS PROJECT THAT'S BEEN IN THE WORKS FOR SEVERAL MONTHS NOW. And it's starting to come to fruition! Remember the 3D bunny print I posted a while ago? HEHHHEH. Things are going well, and I'm really excited. Big announcement for that in the coming month or two.

TFOL-Wise, We've got a fun lil mini arch that we've been adding/working on for this month, and I've been getting a lot of progress on the next few animations. But other than that not too much movement on my end since i've been playing catchup with this other stuff. The other stuff is all done tho, so pretty much just TFOL here on out again! Some doodling here n' there... 

OH, like the image above. Cobalt Core, give it a look! Really dope deck builder roguelike! A friend sponsored this while I was playing it a lot a couple weeks ago. Really cute game, and solid writing! Also banger music?!?!


OK, that's it from us! I'll be gone next week visiting some friends from the 15-19th, but then I'll be back and at it!

Take care folks! Happy new year!




If only Cobalt Core had action like that in it…

Aether Fang

I hope you feel better soon! Love the work as always <3