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YO FOLKS! Here's what we've been up to this week!

Starting with a Word from Vixel!

12/12 weekly update:

Hey floofs! <3 Last week I fixed the rest of the touch input bugs and softlock bugs in our Android build. Now polishing a few things before Android is finally ready to go.

Also fixed the most urgent reported bugs in our Desktop builds! Still working through the backlog of bug reports in Codecks. Later this week I'll republish our Desktop builds in dropbox with some bugfixes.

Carrot and I worked together on some super interesting game design stuff for Act 4. I also made progress bringing in some new story content for Act 3.

This week I'll keep squashing bugs and continue working on story content for December!

Have a lovely week! <3


On my end I've been finalizing the base tiles for Act 4! I HAD AN EPIPHANY A FEW DAYS AGO! Basically the tiles need to be an impossible perspective, and eyeballing it wasn't working with tiles. Then there would be all sorts of tricks played on the eye anyways, so it just kept tripping me up. 

BUT I PUT THE SCENE TOGETHER IN 3D! Put a camera like, a million feet up, and zoomed that bitch in. After a bit of tweaking and hacking with some of the walls/angles, I was able to come up with the foundation for our tiles! I just gotta paint em next! THEN WE'RE OFF TO THE RACES!

look at how stupid this thing looks xD

But at the right angle, we get a tile-able forced-perspective foundation! Very exciting :>

Speaking of 3D, I got to mock up what's gonna be this month's animation! Something christmas-y! I haven't actually held the poll yet (gonna launch it in a sec). But it's off to a great start :> I had to model the boots and rig up all the things. But I'm pretty satisfied with how it's looking <3

OK! That's it for us.

I've gotta get back on Act 3 assets. We'll be needing them quite soon :>!




I am here, not for the development status but for the bun in cover 😘


I'm trying to imagine a reason why anyone would make a windowless room with backward-canted walls like this, and am very much drawing a blank. Still, if it works for the game, then it works!