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Y'ALL! This is the culmination of almost 2 years of behind the scenes work lmao. As we've said a hundred times, we've been hard at work doing massive rewrites to accomodate for the future of TFOL! Vixel's gone through EVERYTHING, and it seems to be up and running pretty dang smoothly!



- Saves don't transfer - Built from the ground up, so save key language totally changed. We do still have cheats and what not, plus the new skipping dialogue/sequence feature!

- The Build contains all the most recent content - Everything in .33 should be in .34. If something is missing, it's a bug!

- This is our first build on this new system - So we NEED eyes on all sorts of devices/platforms! There is likely to be a lot of bugs, so please use our new in-game bug reporting feature!

- Android isn't available yet.



- Bug Report Tool! - There's a bug report system right in game! You can access it at the title screen or in the pause menu! Keyboard support with every type of controller/way to play the game! It'll also  send a recent history of gameplay, and an adjustable amount of your computer specs, from incredibly minimal, to hardware stuff. Nothing too much though, Vixel made sure of it! - The bug will auto submit to our Codecks page, you can view it there later!

- Optimizations! - Smaller total file size, visuals off loading off screen, frame rate caps, script modularity so only the required scripts are loaded up per scene, Asset optimizations. AND MORE!

- Database! - This one's under the hood. But basically the game is aware of everything that has/can happen in the game! This is an awkward concept, but basically a game is series and systems of scripts, and a lot of them can happen without others knowing they are happening. But due to this restructure, there's a centralized system aware of EVERYTHING in the game. This allows for some awesome stuff, to name a few:

- Dialogue skipping! - AND cut scene skipping. "X" on the keyboard, (x/square on controller) will skip whatever dialogue sequence you're on. OR animated scene if you don't wanna see it. OR in game cut scene! (Before, this concept was difficult to implement since certain flags would fire off DURING these scenes/dialogues, and since the game wasn't aware of what SHOULD happen if something was skipped, it was impossible to implement.

- Gameplay History! - The game is aware of what steps the player has taken! I THINK we could have that for the entirety of your gameplay? For now, we have it so when you do a bug report, it'll give us the like, last 10 things you did, to help troubleshoot any bugs. BUT IN THE FUTURE, this can help with total gameplay stats, achievements, and all sorts of shenanigans!

- Tons of bug fixes! - We've had a multitude of random bugs that were difficult to troubleshoot. But due to the new modularity of things, it's a lot easier to locate and fix bugs. There were several that have been persistently present in the game, and we're happy to say they were locatable and fixable now :> (Knock on wood lmao)



- New Systems! - Act 4 and Act 5 will be a departure from the gameplay loop we've established. We'll be introducing lil mini games, and side experiences, and it'll be much easier to implement these features with the modularity Vixel's cooked up!

- Localization! - There's still a lot to figure out in terms of logistics here, but we've got the ability to support it now!

- Steam shenanigans! - We've been waiting on this rebuild before we put our game on steam. We figured if we're on steam, we should try to minimize the amount of "saves don't carry over" updates. and this update was for a sure a "saves don't carry over" xD! Achievos and stuff will be a lot easier to implement with the data base as well =)

-  CAMPAIGN PROGRESS SOON LMAO - I've been busy prepping a ton of assets that we need. So we've got a good amount we could immediately add. BUT there's still plenty of assets to make! Act 4 has a lot going on xD!


GAH, so excited! OK, so we really need y'alls help though. To those interested in helping with bug reports, please give the game a play and try all sorts of stuff. If you find a bug, REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY with the bug report tool, so your history is captured. (Also it's possible a report won't send due to firewall/security settings. Our screen will say it "succeeds in sending" but that's a stand-in message for now.

Check out the reported bugs here!

Thanks guys! See ya soon!




omg patreon compression fuckin' up the promo image Dx


Sorry to ask, but I'm assuming there will be a download for Android at one point?

Julien Harper

Once they're all done, all you have to do is add more languages, especially French.The story and gameplay are really excellent


I already want to see it as it is


Woo! new stuff!


I'm loving everything so far is act 3 out yet I'm trying to read through everything on posts and stuff just easier to ask XD


Any update on the android build