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YO FOLKS~! Here's what we've been up to this week!

Starting with a Word from Vixel!

11/21 weekly update:

Hey floofs! Last week, Carrot and I did v2 playtesting and I further polished our ingame bug report tool. We're still having some breaking issues with Android, so in the interest of getting builds out soon, we're looking to publish Desktop builds first and Android builds in a few days/weeks.

Keep an eye out for the v2 desktop builds in the next few days! After that I'll fix issues with Android, fix any reported bugs, and work on adding new Act 3 story content in parallel. For floofs living in USA, have a happy holiday! <3


Y'ALLLLL I just played through all of the content on the V2 build! There were some new bugs, but YO the thing fuckin' WORKS. It's like, hard to tell anything has changed (which is the best case scenario, and a crazy feat since EVERYTHING had to change a bit to accommodate to the new stystem. Somethings had to change a ton.

It's been super dope and exciting though. I've also got a few ideas on some stuff I wanna revamp in the beginning. But we need to progress content first haha.

Anywho, I've been up to a ton. I think I forgot last week's post so :|

First up! The Animation for this month is coming along swimmingly! I was planning on this to be like, a 2 second loop, but then I thought it'd be kinda dope if Perdita got a lil' licky ;)

I just gotta animate Duchess' tail, and then I think we're good to go on this one!


On TFOL side, I've been up to some BIG SHIZ.

I've been running with the Harmony workflow! The post-image up at top is the low-res version of this drawing

I've also gone ahead and did a few poses with this quick rig, it worked like a charm! I'm really excited to try this in a larger animation project!

We've ALLLLLSO been up to some super fun stuff that I'm excited to show ;) It's not TFOL Campaign content, but it is fun new content. We won't get it in for the V2 initial test build, but it'll be the next thing we get in. It's KIIINDA cool. ngl. Also I kinda maybe teased it in this post.


We'll see ya guys very soon for this v2 build <3!


EDIT - AH SHIT, I forgot to mention, I spent a good part of today doing the first steps of moving our landing site theforestoflove.com from squarespace to Hostinger. It's a TON cheaper for the next several years, and they don't have anything against explicit content? So we'll have a place to host Fan art finally <333! Super excited for that!!



Mircea Kitsune

Looking so sweet and wonderful as always with you ^_^


Im excited to see it all done!! ^ ,^