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(OHSHIT, PLZ LIKE THIS TWEET, I need to boost the likes so I can get a discount on cool 3D models :D) 

YO FOLKS~ This is super late, I'm sorry. I've been super busy with shit xD COOL SHIT IN THE WORKS, but I'll talk about that later. And probably save some for the next TWitF in a few days.

Anywho - Let's start off With a Word From Vixel!

11/7 weekly update:

Hey floofs! Happy November! <3

Last week I prototyped a new bug report tool that's built right into the game! :O It sends bug reports to our Codecks page so we can quickly find and organize them.

I also did extensive Android playtesting and fixed a bunch of undiscovered issues.

This week I'll be working with Carrot to track down any leftover weirdness in our v2 builds, and proceed with scripting new Act 3 main story content.

Cheers! ^w^


Y'all should see what he's been up to this week! It's pretty fun :>> We're gonna try to incorporate some fun random smut for it too ;O

On my side, I've got a good amount of shit going on. First! Some doodles from BLFC! Some traditional too! It was fun getting back into paper and pencil. And I was getting super comfty with the ipad! That's gonna be great for when Procreate Dreams comes out >v>

Other than that, TFOL-wise, I've been cleaning up an animation and prepping it for color. It's looking good and ready, but it's posing some SERIOUSLY workflow problems for more complicated things.

In theoooory, I just make the animations not super complicated, and just keep makin' em hot and simple. But the complicated stuff is fun x-x - so it's tempting. But it's made me consider reworking the workflow again.

As the illustrations/animations end up being low-res drawings, I figured it's time to lean into that and give Toonboom Harmony a try. I spent a good amount of the time past few days figuring out how to rig stuff up in it. It's A BIT of set up, but the great part is I don't have to do ANY cleanup OR color. That's fucking >insane<. I'm trading the post-processing part for pre-processing? But by far the post-processing is the most tedious, AND the pre-processing has some room for optimization. Just gotta get more comfty with it!

Here's a pic!

Nodes? in MY 2D??? fuck.

But this is actually making sense and working out. I'm testing this on a really simple loop. Since the loop is simple, this would be a lot easier to just do by hand. But it's REALLY apparent that this will be invaluable for longer-framed or main character animations. Like I REALLY WISH I had this system down for this wolf animation lmao. Oh well. To the future!

I've got a buncha 3D shenanigans in the work too, but I'll save that for later, this is getting long.

OK! That's it for now, see ya guys soon!




Do you need a BlueSky code?


Hell yea NODES! fun rendering effects.


Is that the emo dog from alpha and omega