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I missed last week! My bad D:

But here's what we've been up to! Starting with a Word from Vixel!

3/27 weekly update:

Heya floofs! ^w^ Last week I finished coding the new content for our March builds! Keep an eye out for those the next day or so!
Had to back off the Upgrade/v2 project last week to keep on top of the schedule. Will focus on pushing Upgrade/v2 forward this week. Have a good rest of March! <3


On my end - I've been up to a few things!

First, as you can see, the Bunny Easter animation is coming along :> It's actually entirely done, at a whopping 500 frames. I just haven't decided WHERE to have her. So this was a quick set-dress of nature. I'd do a bit more for the BG integration, but I'm still not sure if I'd rather her be inside or outside...

This one also has a good amount going on, and I can't quite capture it all from one camera angle. I'll likely render out a couple different views for the sake of enjoyment! But that makes set-dressing a bit more complicated since it has to work from those angles...

Anyways - TFOL-wise. Some of ya guys may have noticed, I've been streaming a bit recently. If you haven't yet, give me a follow there and you can get notified when I do stream! Recently I was prepping the content for this month. We're keeping it simple with a couple gossips that have an illustrated sex scene. Here's a sneak peak! 

I also wrote up and portrait'd/prepped the dialogue for import for Vixel!

In addition, I was doodling some of the monthly sketches/explorations for this month. Oliver won the most votes by just a hair! Maverick was a close second, so I decided to do a lil series featuring them both. 

That pretty much covers it!

IRL-wise, I've been in the process of swapping to the master bedroom. Walls painted, carpets steam cleaned, now I'm gonna assemble my new desk! BUT, the desktop had some integrity issues, so I'm getting it replaced. Should be here soon though! Super excited to get this new area set up! SOOOOON.


OK! That's it for us! 

We have new builds finished for this month, so keep an eye out as I'll be posting them real soon!




Loving the 3D animations!


My pulse is quickened looking at this. O _0 so hot.

Aether Fang

Do it, put that egg in OwO