This Week in the Forest! #112 (Patreon)
Hayo! Here's what we've been up to this week!
Starting with a Word from Vixel!
2/20 weekly update:
Heya floofs! ^w^
Last week I worked on adding content for our February monthly build. Made good progress, hoping to get the rest of that coded this week!
Carrot playtested the Upgrade/v2 project build and made a nice list of feedback! This week I'll be working through the issues he found.
Boop you soon! <3
My end I've been doing a ton of progress on the next animated scene in TFOL :> Looking at arouuuuund 45 frames or so? Plus or minus like... 5. It's lookin' pretty dang tasty :>! I'm like, 8 frames away from having Rascal's flats done! Then there's a few more polish layers, but those should go buy pretty quickly.
I have my friend helping out with color dropping on Mabel, so that'll be nice to speed that stuff up :3
This animation will be in the next Act 3 content, so it liiiikely won't be in our builds for a few months still. BUT HEY WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS :D - And it absolutely doesn't hurt to have animations done ahead of time |3
Other than that I finished up the last lil' details for The Gal's dungeon booty line up. Vixel and I did the finishing touches last night with the camera movements and what not. It looks pretty dang slick :3
OK! That's about it!
I'm going to launch the 3D animated loop poll in a bit here for the 10$ folks! So keep an eye out :>
See ya guys next week! Or when we release the build, whichever comes first :>!