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Here's what we've been up to this week!

Starting with a Word from Vixel!

Awoo floofs! ^w^
Some strong progress in the Upgrade project last week! I finished rewriting Spawners code for Acts 2 and 3, bringing Spawners up to date with all the content we've published so far. (Spawners are the scripts that fill a room with characters and props, when you walk between rooms.) This is a big milestone and I'm happy it's done. ^w^
Also started a 'spawned objects' cleanup pass, methodically reviewing every script and object that can be spawned in the Central Forest and Lake rooms, to make sure no scripts have errors and that everything follows the Upgrade project's updated designs. Found and fixed a few bugs that had snuck past earlier efforts.
I also made a test build, but it wasn't ready to send to Carrot! :O Got some more bugfixing to do first.
This week I'll continue reviewing scripts and objects in the rest of the rooms, and try to finish the spawned objects cleanup pass.
Here's what's left on the Upgrade project:
  • Spawned objects cleanup: final review of every script and object that can spawn in every room.
  • General cleanup: final review of changes in the overall project.
  • Solo playtesting until obvious bugs are gone.
  • Test builds for Carrot, back-and-forth with me to fix bugs and re-polish details.
  • Share a test build with a bigger group for community feedback.


That stuff lookin' really good! Super nice to see some of the gameplay again but with all the new systems :> So far we're looking at the game being about half the file size as the old version! Pretty sure we'll be seeing some noticeable performance improvements as well - shit's super exciting!

On my side, I don't have too much that I can share TFOL-wise, just know things are cookin' :>

Other than that, I tackled a very long over due commission xD! It's above there :> and here's an X-ray version!

It was super fun experimenting with some new brushes and a switched up workflow! There's a lot going on with the image, but I think it came out pretty well in the end!

I have been doodling quite a bit more, and in my spare time, throwing on some Schoolism courses/talks to keep me inspired and the art gears turning :> That's been good!

OK! That's it! I'll have more TFOL stuff to show next week :>

Y'all have a good one!




Nice art but can you post the x-ray version in higher resolution/quality it is pretty low res atm.


Oh weird! I thought opening it in that way does the full version, guess not. Uploaded! Nice catch!


Love the work you guys do keep it up looking forward to more updates!