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Here's what we've been up to! Starting with a Word from Vixel!

7/18 weekly update:

Heya floofs!
Spent last week getting new content ready for our July monthly build! Added a steamy new Charlotte gossip with several unlockable illustration sets featuring Rascal goin' solo. Yumb! ^w^
Also dug into stuff we'll need code-side for publishing the game on Steam. All in all it's looking pretty straightforward, but we do have a few areas I'll need to adapt, such as storing savegames in the Steam cloud (so they auto-sync your progress everywhere you install Steam) and some new scripts for achievements and leaderboards. I want to be sure we know the process for things like publishing game updates, supporting localization (different languages) and automatic crash reporting so we can plan carefully for our eventual game launch.
I also got a build running on my Android phone! o.O We have a ways to go before that's show-ready, but music and sound work perfectly and the game adapts nicely to portrait or landscape mode with none of the artwork cut off. I can walk around smoothly with a bluetooth keyboard even though there's no touch support yet. For some reason *none* of the movies play! :/ But hey it's a start. :}}


On my side I've been writing the new poll'd content! I've drafted up a steamy little scene with some new critters that Melody introduces you to! Just some side critters from the other parts of the forests :>

We wanted to make sure we include some other critters that aren't part of the cast, to just grow the world more and keep it feeling alive and larger than what we normally see!

I also made a ton of progress on the Illustrations for Maverick's lil side arch :> Have a sneak peek :>

Still gotta fix up the background in a few places, but other then that, 5 frames all done! This one takes an interesting turn! Y'all will see eventually :>

I was also doing a bit of 3D animating with my bun. I gotta put together a lil reel of what I've got going on for her!

OK! That's it for us! See ya guys next week!



Lucky The Corgi

Android build?!?!? Lets fucking goooooo


Sadly in Germany the steam version is not available -.-

Tazer Silverscar

Android build! Wooooooo! Yeeeeaah baybee!!! That's what I've been waiting for!!! That's what it's all about!!!

Mircea Kitsune

Definitely not something we'll find in the Puritan Play Store so I take it we'd need to install the APK manually or it will be available in a third party store? Amazing work once more as usual! It would be a pleasure to have this on my Android device ^_^


It says the planned release date for the forest of love is 2024.


I put a comment before my previous one that gave all sorts of praise to the game and your posts but that one didn't go through.


Nice. Too bad I’ve got no android phone


I noticed a small visual glitch while playing the melody and Charlotte update, where I meet the fish character the screen stayed where the fish appeared, and the screen wouldn't follow me until I left the zone and went into town came back into the lake zone.