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This tendonitis stuff is srs shit >-> At the moment, using a keyboard/mouse for anything longer than a few minutes causes soreness and pain. 


I went to a doctor today, and they kinda rehashed how important it is to take anti-inflammatory pills along with everything else I'm currently doing. So I'll be on Aleve for a while. AWYEH POPPIN PEELZ.

More so - I started to realize that, for whatever reason - typing/using my mouse cause the issues to flair up almost instantly - while I can do pretty much everything else just fine. (including draw, thought hotkeys are still not great.)

SO. I've made my next big investment to help fight this. I dropped 400 bucks on a Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard, and Evoluent Vertical Mouse. 

This is literally the last thing I can possibly do to make my setup as ergonomic as possible - it's also one of the biggest things I've heard helps, and I really should've looked into it sooner. It's going to be a pain in the ass to not have my tools of choice, but I'd rather be able to learn how to be efficient again - then depend on an unhealthy setup.

Alas - I've been behind on stuff for this month - and I'll have to ask you all to be patient with me. I'll have to move the sketch-stream to next month. I wanna make sure I have the new tools, AND i'm relatively comfortable with em before I start doing anything crazy.


WHILE I HAVE YOU GUYS HERE. I want to let you know I'm making changes to the 50 dollar tier, AND have made another 100 dollar tier.

First - The 50 dollar tier sketches are being downgraded to the lighter sketches I do. (like what I posted here.)

Second - A new 100 dollar tier is being offered, which will offer the darker/fuller paintings I did before.

The reason I'm doing this is because the 50 dollar tier sketch rewards were TOO CLOSE to what I would normally charge for a commission at that level. Meaning, those patreon tier slots were effectively becoming commission slots. Since I haven't been open too much recently, the slots have gotten quite full, and the issue became very evident.

I want to clarify that the 50/100 dollar sketch slots are essentially "Upcharged Commission Slots" - the idea being, that you're paying for a sketch, and the extra bit, is the patreon donation. That money goes into the extra time I get to put into projects.

I originally intended for this to be a tip-jar - and I wanted to offer larger options for those feeling super generous. Naturally, I can't just take that much without giving anything back, so I offered the sketches. I believe this newer model better maintains my original intentions with patreon~.

AS A REMINDER - me making those changes doesn't move your pledge. So you will have to make adjustments accordingly. And as always, no hard feelings - I'm incredibly grateful for all of your support.

OH ALSO, WARNING - I've signed up for the beta that charges peeps automatically when they make a pledge - AND ALSO, when you UP your pledge. So for my sake, if you're intending on upgrading your pledge, please do so NEXT month. Or you will be charged the surplus this month. (and that forcibly adds more I owe currently.)


I'll be uploading all the appreciation-sketch-stream I did last month. There's some rad stuff in here <3~!


Anywho, I do apologize for all of this. Do know I'm doing literally everything I can to fix my arms, but from what I keep hearing, it's something only time can heal. If I don't see any improvements within the next month, I might have to not do any art/computer use for a couple months to let it properly heal. This would be the absolute worst case scenario, and I would be in a serious pickle if this was to happen. I wouldn't want to trouble you guys anymore than I already have.

I don't think this is a likely situation. I think my new keyboard/mouse will really help stuff. But I want you guys to know 100 percent of what's going on. 

I hope you've all been well~! Enjoy the next bit of sketches!




Oh damn... D:


whoa what a block of text, I'm gonna try it space it out.