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MOVING ON - Here's what we've been up to this week! Starting with a Word from Vixel! I wonder if we should rename this to like, Vixel's Logs. I'll ask him.

6/27 weekly update:

Howdy floofs! I spent last week in the Upgrade project standardizing interactive stuff — the objects scattered throughout the world you can walk behind and sometimes examine with the magnifying glass.
I set up a special hierarchy to make interactive objects easier to maintain. The hierarchy starts very abstract, with a "Base Interactive Object" that can draw any artwork and let the player walk in front or behind it. Each additional level in the hierarchy further specializes the base object, like making the artwork animated, adding a drop shadow, or making the object examinable. Finally the lowest levels are the most specialized objects you see, like the bunny garden, glowing glyphs, and broken bridge. Now we can fix a bug, add a feature, or change the look and feel in the Base Interactive, and automatically copy the update to all other objects.
This week I'm removing all the props from each room and putting them in spawners. That way we can turn interactions on and off, or swap props in some of the rooms to redecorate.


I can't wait for Vixel to make a huge video on some of how this is set up, it's SOOO NUTTY! And looks SO MUCH more efficient!

So on my side, I've been PRETTY busy!

First I wrote all the Patreon Voted content for last month! It's involving Charlotte, furthering her "Naughty Therapy" arch ;). Despite it involving Charlotte, it's featuring A LOT of rascal! I also got to drawing a bunch for this, have a teaser!

Looks like he's doing some teasing of his own ;)

Second! I got the FREAKIN STEAM PAGE GOING BABY LES GOOO! Updated our tfol.info page to now have a "wishlist us on steam" button too! I'll add a link on our Patreon page as well. There was a good amount of assets I had to make, adjust, and a lot of descriptions/things to fill out. But the process was SUPER smooth, and the peeps at Steam were great to work with!

THIRD! I was whipping out some new advertisements! I've been meaning to release new ones for E621, and Yiffer reached out to us seeing if we'd like to advertise there too. We wanted to wait until we got monthly builds coming out routinely again, so now that that's the case, I whipped these up!

FOURTH - I've been messing with some vrchat shenanigans, and it's been fuckin' weird lmao. More on that later if we get it to work! It's cloooose!

OK. That's it!

Thanks for stickin' with us for another month y'all <3! Ya guys da bomb <33




EEEEEE!! I’m so happy for you guys! I went ahead and wished it. It’s so exciting!


'SCUSE ME?&gt; Steam actually accepted a feral porn game? O _0 They're okay with that?! I feel like horse cock on the previews would be a ToS thing. &gt; ,&lt;


I mean, to be fair, furries are the only ones splittin' hairs! All the normies just think it's all weird furry porn lmao.

The Nubus

Well as expected it won’t show in Steam in Germany. 😢


You're finally joining the prestigeous likes of Furry Girl Puzzle and Furry Sex Madness.

Aron Marczylo

very nice! I can't wait to play it when it's finished!


Ahh good point. I forget how much of a vasaline film there is between the every day person and fandom cultures. You're also going to be the only quality furry rpg on there too.


Congratulations on getting it in steam! Really can’t wait to play it!


Haha, these heckin ads are such typical porn game ads. I love it