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Yo folks! 

Hope y'all have been well! I HAVE NOT BEEN xD! Quick update, our house plumbing thing got fixed, so I'm back home yay! Then I went to BLFC which was SUPER FUN and where I doodled this messy capybara ;o

NOW IM BACK and I tested positive for Covid yesterday =(. So far it's been kind of mild, but now my throat is hurting pretty badly. Almost feels like strep, but not as bad. FOR NOW Uugh.

It sucks that they've been way more relaxed on restrictions at airports. Planes full of peeps not wearing masks or anything, kinda cringe! It was bound to happen, so now I'm just riding it out. I've got plenty of medicines and good foods to keep me going for a while. Hopefully this'll pass quickly!

Anyways, let's move onto A Word from Vixel!

6/13 weekly update:

Heya floofs!!
Been working steady at finishing our next round of builds! We're still piggybacking new content onto the Act 2 source code, and it was unexpectedly difficult squashing all the bugs this time. :O There's some parallel action in Melody and Charlotte's new dialogues which gave us several tricky edge cases to consider. We also took a detour and added a couple of fun easter eggs to discover. :}}
As Carrot mentioned in the last weekly update, we're hitting a ceiling adding new chapters to the current project, due to limitations in how Act 2 was coded, especially with some of the ways the next part of Act 3 is set to influence the game world. So next on my plate is getting the Upgrade Project ready for action! We'll be expanding nonlinear content like Gossips and Dates in the meantime to continue delivering monthly builds.
Putting the finishing touches on the new content tonight, then should have the builds ready later this week. Stay tuned! ^w^


On my side I've been taking it easy due to this sickness. Silver-lining, I'm catching up on sleep from the insomnia finally lmaooo.

Before I got sick, I did doodle out some possible TFOL merch for the future! Going to conventions always inspires me for some fun merch ideas. I got a pretty sweet shirt in the works atm and hopefully some acrylic charms!

I've also done a bit of story sorting for what the next polled content is gonna be, so keep an eye out 10$+ peeps! I'll launch it tomorrow!

OK! That's about it from us.

We'll see ya guys next week!




Out of curiosity, and you don’t have to answer this… did you yourself wear a mask in the airports or on the plane? I’m not out to lecture you, I just want a better idea of whether I have any hope of protecting myself, should I have to go to an airport or similarly crowded place.


Yep! I was masked the entire time to the con. Then masks were required at con spaces. The only times we didn’t wear them was while eating or in our rooms. I’m sure I could have been even safer about stuff at the con for that week, but here we are.


Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that; just get as much rest as you can, stay safe and keep us posted.


I hope you get better soon. Dealing with C-19 isn't fun. I had to deal with it before it was announced in my county, had no groceries saved up, and since nobody knew of it at the time, I was without a mask. It wasn't a good time.

Joseph Goldthorp

Uhm... Get well soon!😹 Sorry the throat has been hurting! Glad that the event was fun though!!


That is a cute ass capybara.