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Dang! Another week! What the heck!

Let's start with A Word from Vixel!

6/7 weekly report

Last week I worked on Dustin the squirrel's minigame. We need some new special effects for this: animations that are generated in realtime so they can freely change length, width and rotation based on events during the minigame!
First I scripted one of the trickier ones: a rectangle drawn between two points that slowly fills in from one end to the other. This worked well, but only for rectangles with perfectly straight edges - my drawing tools made a mess when I started using curves.
I grabbed a 3rd party drawing plugin and reworked my earlier design. The new tools allow us to draw complex shapes and smooth curves, scale and rotate shapes as desired, and keep the borders crisp with an exact thickness. Pretty happy with the result!
In other news, I started bringing in some content we're adding at the end of Act 1 to enhance the bridge-building scene. Will finish scripting that next.
This week I'm hoping to finish a prototype of the minigame with its core gameplay mechanics, keep working on act 2 content scripting, and rework some problem areas in our fast travel scripts.


Whew! Vixel's been on a roll! We're purposely keeping that gif a lil out of context, but I'm super stoked for the future of that system! Fun stuff in that future |3

Side note, huge benefits to team projects, is while I'm on my ass healing, Vixel's been prepping and plowing ahead on a lot of cool stuff! 

On my side I've gotten to a bit more of Act 3 writing. I wanna have TON prepared for vixel whenever we get to it. We will likely be doing huge clean ups in preparation for the full Act 2 release, and a large clean up AFTER act 2's release, but it's still good to get a lot of our direction nailed out.

Act 3 is abouuuuut 70% written. There's a few more interesting writing things to tackle that we wanna make sure we're doing right, but we're headed in a good direction! 

I also got to doodling a few character concepts for some minor characters that will be introduced later, and some extra portraits for Melody. 

Mainly I've still been healing and getting things checked up. The Dry Eye management is a lengthy process, so it's annoying, but all I can really do is wait for these prescription meds to do their magic. Fortunately, my Dad's been hanging around keeping me company during all this which has been SOOO flippin' helpful. I had some pretty bad anxiety attacks from this whole thing, and we've got me a plan now (and a bit of meds) so things are looking up.

Some days are better than others, but DANG all I wanna do is get some heckin WORK done xD! I'll be scribbling away as my eyes permit for the time being.

Anywho, that's it for us!

As always, we thank you for all of your guys' wonderful support!

This month's 10$+ Exclusive Poll will be featuring Rascal joining in on a date finally ;D! So keep an eye out for that poll! I'll think up some stuff soon.



awesome work as always~! (though i’m really hoping the game doesn’t get tons of QTE’s 😭)


that out of context gif brings up the thought of a quick time event 🤔


MASH THE KEY TO MAKE THEM CUM!! Nah - this is stuff we wanted to avoid from The beginning :)


Does this mean stroking mechanics? hahaha Im trying to mentally figure out where you would implement rhythm "tap tap revolution" style mini games into the world, maybe the things like a hidden game where the fast travel bird bindfolds herself and you have to do different clicks and drags to make her dodge trees and mountains lol. -shrugs-


Take your time and get well, bun!