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Alas, in our digital age, more and more things are required to be taxed. It appears starting July 1st Patreon will be required to charge us sales tax on whoever we're supporting. This is based on YOUR location, not the creator's location. This is also based on what is offered in each tier, meaning there's a lot of gray areas.

For example, overpaying on a tier is considered a form of donation/general support, so it's not taxed. This means all of you in the collab tier will be being taxed on the 51$ that is on that tier, and nothing over that.

And certain things are taxed in some states, while others aren't taxed at all. So "streamed content" is taxable in a lot of areas now, but "early access" might not be, or "general support" might not be either. Or things like "private community access"

There's a lot of gray area, and I'm curious to see how much this will affect everyone. I've got about 100$ worth of folks I'm supporting each month, so in theory i'll only be paying maximum 8 bucks in sales tax. But with the amount of customizing each creator can do per tier, it could be less. We'll see!

Patreon has already released a ton of information on this for creators, but they will be emailing everyone in the next few days. You will find more information on all of this there.

I've already adjusted our tiers, and it's pretty neat to see how it works. Again, this won't be rolled out until July 1st. So you have plenty of time to look into it.

This'll mean a couple extra shekels, unfortunately, but it was really just a matter of time.


OK! That's it! Keep an eye out for this month's update! A majority of the work this month was back-end stuff, so not too much content-wise. But it'll be in the patch notes.

We do have some exciting news I wanna release here soon ;> But all in good time!

Anywho, Thanks for ALL of y'alls amazing support <3! Keep washin' those hands!



Patreon ... Strange in my state there's different tax for service and goods. I wonder which they will pick.

Mircea Kitsune

Long as they aren't dragging us into whatever weird legal BS this is about, I can live with it. I'm assuming this means they redesign their system so less money gets to / from creators, which is sad but not much can be done there. Hope this works out and won't cause another flood of people leaving the platform due to bad management.


Naw it’s sales tax - as in the normal tax you pay on goods/things normally. So it doesn’t cut into our portion.

Tazer Silverscar

I'm based in the UK, so we were already being taxed, no changes here 😁


Does that apply to countries which are already taxed? I mean I'm taxed like 23% does it mean I'm gonna be taxed even more?...


Like the UK? I believe if you pay the VAT tax, you've been doing this all along. It's new for US folks, but there are some new countries that are being included. Again, I do think if you pay taxes, you're good. But let me know!

Kitsunal Negai

I'm curious to know about this, I'm living in Texas but my account have a resident in Chile. Anyway, I will not mind pay some extra taxes and continue supporting you in the best I can do my friend. I hope this will not hurt you so much, I'm still a little bit confused about the taxes in Patreon, but I hope everything will be alright for you. Keep it up


I was already taxed, as I'm living in Hungary, but now as I'm looking at this tax list, I noticed that we have the highest VAT tax of all the countries in the whole world with 27%...

Mattis. Probably.

I live in Germany, I had to pay the tax pretty much since I joined. It's not that bad.


I thought in germany with 19% it sucks already but 27% woah I mean thats nearly a third you need to pay more.


I have to pay patreon tax for years