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I mean, this isn't a game xD. But it's the bit of pre-production I always do when I'm planning out a project~! 

I think it's very important to always keep in mind, WHY you're starting a piece, what things you want to touch up on, and just generally plan out some of the world/characters.

I wanted to show you guys a bit of my process because I think it's important to know how much shit actually goes behind the scenes on art stuffs :O. I get that I just post shiz? And it might be misconstrued that things just kinda happen outa no where xD

WELL, to be entirely honest. THIS COMIC did come from no where. I started at page one and just kinda went for it, knowing GENERALLY what I wanted to have happen. The promiscuity, the characters, everything just kinda fell into place (I guess I crit) and the story started building itself around that. 

but as the pages continued, I started getting a little lost, so I wrote this document down to get a relative grasp of things again. I figured it'd be nice to show you guys some behind the scenes stuff! Generally these kinds of documents would be 4-5 times longer than this, and quite a bit more detailed in many other areas, but as this piece was mostly figured out on-the-go, I didn't really spend too my time on it.

Anywho I thought it was interesting~!


Zebra Planning.docx



dude... you have no idea how much i want to read this. i have seen the first 11 pages.... please you must finish this.