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 Here it is!

I've been looking around to see where I can host this, but I think the best I'm gonna get is hosting the viewable thing on dropbox, and linking to it from other sites :O! I think I'll make a group on Telegram for more convenient sharing for these later. If I make more than this one, I'll definitely do that - so keep an eye out!

IT'S LONG! My bad Dx! 42 minutes! About half of it is my actual work flow, AND IT'S PRETTY PACKED/BRISK, and the other half is analysis on workflows as a concept!

I think there's a lot of good information to try to keep in mind, but I also think this a DENSE PACKAGE of information lmao. Fortunately it's a video so it can be replayed...

Please let me know what ya think! I learned a lot and would love to pursue another, less improv'-y video. In the future I think it'd be neat to get your guys feedback on what things I should talk about - should be fun :> 


Carrot Talks - Workflows.mp4

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Wow, that was really informative, at least for someone who's just been figuring things out as they go. Some feedback: * That grayscale keyboard shortcut is fantastic. I'd started trying to emulate this by toggling a correction layer that lowers saturation, but this is way more convenient (and a nicer effect overall). Needed to be enabled in Settings>Ease of Access>Color filters. * I really liked the overview of your lighting process, there's a lot more to it than I realized. It seems like a good topic for a more in-depth video. I'd like to learn more about the different aspects of lighting a scene, do you have any learning materials you'd recommend on the topic? * Do you currently do any exercises to break away from your workflow? Having not done art for very long I already find myself falling into the same process, and while I still find a lot of room for improvement, you make a good point about avoiding doing the same process over and over. I'm doing this entirely for fun and don't want to fall into the same workflow forever, but it can be so discouraging trying different methods and styles when the first attempt never looks as good as if I'd just stuck to the typical workflow. * The disclaimer for beginners (around 36 min mark) is a very good inclusion. I spent way too many years not drawing just because I was terrible at it. Maybe put that right up at the front next time so they're sure to hear it before getting too far in and feeling overwhelmed. Then again, the bits for other stages of artists make more sense at the end, and it might be odd to split them up. Overall very nice job on this. It could definitely be less rambly/more focused, but I think the somewhat wandering nature worked well for the topic. I look forward to you hopefully making more of these, thanks for sharing your process!


Yeah! I do plan on making more indepth videos (and more concise videos) for each particular step in the process. I really wanna talk about the "sketch" process - and really the idea formulation process in general. I think it's a good one! I do have some exercises I do, but mainly it's using different mediums :O! using a ball point pen and paper really breaks me out of my usual, or my ipad, or whatever. Digitally, I've also been doing some straight-to-paint (no drawing) observational studies. That's helped break out for sure. And don't worry about it looking good, it'll be bad xD! VERY TRUE ON THAT DISCLAIMER. In a perfect world, this video is one in a very huge series on being an artist. So it wouldn't be the first anyone hears. That being said, if it IS the first, it's a bit weird xD! I was considering that, but it didn't seem right without explaining and showing examples first. Thanks for the indepth response! :>