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Yo folks! Got some changes in the works!

Introduced 5$ Tier! 

This has a temporary perk at the moment! Y'all get access to a bunch of crap I need to post! Meanwhile, people will be posting it for me as time goes on. This is not forever, just for now while I have a huge backlog. You can read more details on my journals @ FA or IB. This includes about 90 images right now. There's another 90 y'all will get next month.

Removing Streams From the Past!

I don't think people use this, and I don't really wanna keep up with it. If you do, let me know! But Picarto stores the last like, 12 streams. So you can already kinda watch stuff if you missed things.

That's about it. I reworded some things on the reward list. 

ALSO let's choose a date for the next stream thing. Let's go with This Sunday, the 7th at 3pm MST. It'll be a lot shorter than usual, I'm only doing 5 sketches! 

But I will be doing 2 more sessions of these this month. So keep an eye out! next one will be around 11pm, and the one after that will be at 5AM so I kinda sorta get everyone xD. Dates TBD.



Christmas stream, Christmas stream, streaming all the way! (yeah, we are strange, russian Xmas is at Jan 7) And sleepless night before job (damned time shift...)


5 a.m.? You are truly a mad man!


indeed monday morning when the europeans have to sleep before the work is starting