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(ps. don't make me do spots on a raffle sketch xD)


I'm actually flying out of town TOMORROW to FLORIDA for a vacation :D! I was suppose to last week, but hurricanes >o>! I'll be gone for 2 weeks.

WHICH MEANS, I'm gonna have to double up on the patreon stream next month again. I don't have an ETA for when it'll be, I'd guess sometime MID OCTOBER

In addition, I'm going to be late with this months patreon requests for you higher tiers. I've done half of them, but I've gotten a bit sore in the arm from tendinitis again :< It started about a week and a half ago, but I've made a TON of progress on it, and I've been drawing the past 2 days with pretty little irritation :> So I should definitely be good to go after the vacation! I'm glad I seemed to have figured that shit out. 2~ weeks is definitely way better than 4 months xD!

Anywho yep! So that's about it. Thanks for your patience y'all! Next month I should have some good news for my game project :3




Wow, can't wait for the update on your game! OwO Have a nice vacation and rest your arm! ;)


Dots, your favourite :-P


Have a fun and lewd trip Carrot ;p


haha SOWWYYYY it wont happen again! Also! hope the tendonitis doesnt cause too much trouble, guess its a timely vacation heh. Enjoy the vacation, and hope to see you again at MFF!