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This is what we were up to last week. Starting with a word from Vixel:

5/14 weekly update:

Heya floofs! Last week I continued scripting our next round of story content and got the bulk of it ready. Worked with Carrot to polish the new text effects for each of the added critter dialogues. There's some odds and ends to finish scripting this week, then on to playtesting the build!

Have a nice week! <3


On my end, I have been contacting all of the permanent and is in critters for the game. It's always a bit of an adventure, since people change discord/telegram information, patron emails will change, this court accounts will be hacked and banned, all sorts of stuff!

BUT I BELIEVE, I've contacted just about everyone and got them on the discord server with a specific discord role. There are a few people I've reached out to and haven't heard from, there are a couple people that have pledged a certain amount, but not enough for a visiting critter that I have not contacted yet. But even still, I may have missed someone.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN A PART OF THE COLLABORATION TIER and I have not contacted you yet, please reach out to me!


Other than that, I've been making good progress with my wrist. SO GOOD, that I decided to play a rhythm game last week... Which ended up showing me that I still have a bit to heal Dx.

But I really need to make some movement on some things, I will try to get some slow work done this week. Very doodled out a bit of portraits for some new critters, and I hope to reach out and start a new batch of visiting/permanent critter assets.

Okay, that's it this week. See y'all soon!




publication 900 congratulations I love all your content keep it up