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(I just realized I never finished posting the sketchfolio commissions/raffle rewards, so here they are!)

YO FOLKS! Here is what we've been up to this week.

Starting with a word from Vixel!

4/16 weekly update:

Hey floofs! <3 Last week I created our Patreon game builds, then spent the weekend taking care of some pressing life-side stuff.

This week I'll fix some major bugs reported from the new builds! Then I'll work with Carrot to prioritize a new slew of todos. There's a ton of story content ready to add, a massive backlog of bug reports, and some game-systems upgrades we've been wanting to do. Will keep you posted - have a nice week! ^w^


On my end, I've been forced to take it pretty dang easy due to my wrist. There hasn't been enough improvement over the last few weeks. So I'm taking more precautions to figure out other workflows. One in particular is text to speech. So this whole post was dictated using Dragon 14. HONESTLY, it's pretty difficult. (Does anyone have experience with Dragon 15 or 16? It's an expensive jump, and 14 seems okay so far... But there are plenty of mistakes being made.)

I have reworked my art workflow to be a lot more ergonomic. But typing is still a huge pain on my wrists, And I have to do it pretty often. So here we are fucking with speech to text. I'm hoping it can type like 90% of what I need. It has definitely been slower, and there are weird mistakes here and there. But it has potential!

So aside from all of that, I have been redesigning our inventory UI. The current design was made years ago, back before we knew what we wanted out of the items in the game.

Initially, the inventory was going to be a glorified "scrapbook" that the player could go through and recall all the adventures and activities they've been through. But as the game has continued, we found out we wanted items with more functionality. Stuff like the map, the radio, the Rosetta Stone, the monocle, (despite most of these not having function yet) these items and more, would be getting lost in the sea of random items Rascal collects.

These particular items that have functionality will be a new class of items call "trinkets." We have a couple other classes of items that we aren't revealing yet. But we need a new UI to be a home for all of these. So I doodled this.

I apologize for the teeny tiny image. It was a literal thumbnail that I just blew up xD.

This UI will likely be called "equipment," not tools. But who knows!

Okay, that's it for this week. We will see you guys soon!




Ow...yeah, I'm on the opposite end; I use text to speech to reduce strain on my eyes. I'm reading this right now with it..


fuck those are hot.