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YO FOLKS! Sorry for the delay on this, we've been pretty busy!

Here's a Word from Vixel!

4/2 weekly update:

Hey floofs, happy new month! ^w^

I finished the polish todos Carrot and I generated while playtesting the next build. Now we're doing our final review! I'll knock out any new todos and then we'll post the builds to yall. Should be a fun update!

Have a lovely week! <3


The build is gettin SUUUUUUUPER close! It's got a lot of moving parts that are unique (kinda like the glitch stuff) - so there was lots to get right :> The next update will be a lot of dialogue so it should be a lot quicker. But shit who knows lmao.

On my end I've been pushing ahead with this scene above! This will be the capstone of Act 3. something something spoilers spoilers. Basically y'all will soon meet Mabel's tribe. This is a giant scene I've been working on for the past few weeks, hands down the most complicated scene we will have in the game.

It's really dope that I've been doing this with the new workflow. I've been needing to take it easy with my wrist since my RSI is being PRETTY FUCKIN PESKY. I've gotten my set up about as perfect as it can be now, so I just gotta heal, and I think this'll be a lot easier on my body in the future.

But this new workflow has been letting me tackle this in lil bite size pieces when I can, and it's making such steady solid progress since the clean up step is baked in with the assets. I'm also able to go about this non-linearly. Normally you sketch, do the lines, animate, clean up, color drop, shade if necessary, then final clean up.

With this I can BASICALLY do anything in any order I want. Thanks to this I've basically gotten 8 characters fully finished of the 10 here. And I still have yet to decide on color patterns and what not, but it's totally fine!

Speaking of which, the wip up there is not final, just a quick color pass I threw together. But I can color pick from it, replace the palettes on my animations, and all of the frames will be updated. 10 characters, 30 frames. you'd generally want all your shit figured out before animating something like this, but thanks to this workflow, I can swap shit out whenever.

Toon boom is very strong, but FUCK is this program slow as hell sometimes. it literally takes 45 seconds to open/close. the node view is a MESS with this many characters, and the layering is insane. I'm really excited to use this for the scenes in act 4 because they won't have 10 characters lmfao.


OK, other than that... Uhh. I've been kinda stressing about the recent patreon shenanigans on some fellow furry artists =( There's a lot of unknowns, and it's kinda a spooky time right now. So I went ahead and made a subscribestar and started mirroring our TFOL posts. I'd definitely prefer to stay here on Patreon, but I really don't know what their ideals are. Just know for now, we've taken the proper precautions securing the financial data for stuff like permanent/visiting critters. (that would've been a nightmare)

Again, we don't want to leave patreon, but we do have a subscribestar ready in case.


OK, well that's about it. New build will be out soon! it's PRITTY horny, not gonna lie.




Yay! Finally we're going into mouse tribe territory.

Cripton Gaming

Holy crap! no wonder this update is 2 months in development, bros making a whole ass orgy. mad respect for your hard work man.


Good luck with your wrist recovery!