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My friend Covious did a lil' photo op of the bun! Now that I got some of her lookin' pretty, I figured why not show her off now :>

This is a side project that's been in the works for basically 9 months now! You can look back then to see I had posted some pictures of my resin print of her. Since then, I've been contacting manufacturers, getting samples, and working with someone to get a mass production of her!

It was a helluva ride. BUT FINALLY, THE BUNS ARE HERE!

Seriously, there's a lot.

150 to be exact!

In her comfty packaging!


SO! I've been putting together a shop to arrange all this. Shipping is a huge pain in the ass, and I wanted to make sure I had recyclable options for packaging. But over the past few weeks I've sent a few out to some friends, and got everything I needed. All my ducks are in a row, and I'm just about ready to start selling them!

The last thing I've been waiting on is a confirmation on some boxes. Unfortunately, pretty much ALL of these boxes have some sort of damage shipping from China.

2 boxes were ripped to some extent.
like, 13 were pretty roughly damaged. (I called it 3 faces of the box were pretty damaged)
And at least another 25 have noticeable minor damage. Oof.

(Note, I re-packaged the most damaged ones, since I ordered extra boxes. BUT NOT ENOUGH APPARENTLY. The buns have been >perfect< in all the ones I've checked. They took no damage what so ever, so their internal packaging is awesome.)

The remaining 100-ish have pretty minimal damage. Some scuff in the right light, but other than that, they are alright.

I've been figuring out how to go about this, and what I landed on was re-ordering a small batch of boxes. This batch is further reinforced, thicker cardboard boxes. The current boxes are a thick cardstock, so they are a bit flimsy, but they are gorgeous, albeit a bit scuffed here and there.

I just got the quote for the new boxes AND IT'S SPICY, but I think it'll be worth it. I will have an upcharge for the premium boxes to cover the cost. But I'd rather this than folks getting some damaged boxes.


So price-wise, I'm thinking of doing a tiered system: 

75$ for the first 50
100$ for the next 50
and 125$ for the last 50.

This way you guys get the cheaper access first, then as it goes to the public, the more normal price will be there. But, for the premium boxes, I'll charge an extra 25. (Oh, and shipping)

I'll drop the link soon! 
