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Requests are not always drawn with clean lines. (The request will be completed in draft).

Please comment as in the example below.

(Example1:Only giant name)

"Peach Princess" of "Super Mario Bros"

(Example 2:Giant name & Tiny name)

Giant:"Zelda" in "Legend of Zelda"

Tiny:"Link" of "The Legend of Zelda"

(Example 3:Name and situation description)

"Samus" of "Metroid"②mawshot


*If you can tell me the URL of the reference image on an image sharing site such as "Imgur", I will draw it with the same composition.

*Please give only one comment per person.

*Requests are created in the order in which comments are posted in the Request box (requests from premium supporter requests are given priority).

*Requests not written in the request box may not be created.

*I will accept requests until 15 October.

After the deadline, the request will become a regular request and an additional fee will be charged.

*Drafts are from the one with the most "likes" to a maximum of 15 works, I'll draw with clear lines. (Drawing order next month)

*If there are many requests, it may not be possible to draw all the requests😖💦

Thank you for your understanding.😉



S&W M&P40 US

②mawshot https://aryion.com/g4/view/175577 ←口と構図、小人のイメージ https://e-hentai.org/g/1536528/b14968057a/ ←page 9 10(顔のイメージ) 2ページに分かれてるんですがくっつけて送ることができませんでしたすみません 巨人は曙(艦これ)で小人は提督(女性)でお願いします。普通バージョンと唾液飛び散りバージョンもお願いしたいです。


Giantess: Neru (Blue Archive) https://imgur.com/a/pTHgXEx Tiny: Bunny Guard https://imgur.com/a/VEm2BNZ Panel 1 Neru is holding the bunny guard over her open mouth with her tongue hanging out. The bunny guard is panicking Panel 2 Neru has dropped the tiny into her mouth and snapped her jaw shut while gulping the tiny down at the same time Panel 3 Neru lets out a belch and pats her pot belly. She has eaten a lot of girls. Panel 4 Neru tries to suck in her gut saying "Ugh damnit. Hopefully I can hide this gut." Her belly is flat Panel 5 Neru lets out a sigh and her pot belly sloshes back to its full size. She says "Screw it. I can't let a few pounds stop me from completing the mission." Panel 6 Neru has digested most of the girls and her ass has gotten much fatter. She looks nervouys and says "Crap, the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the enemy guards!"

