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I've got fresh updates in the form of gifs from the upcoming animation IA's Fast Food Cravings just here!

Since the COPPA threat is spreading panic around YT, I haven't had much time to work on the animation for this month, which will be impossible to finish before December as you'll have probably guessed. In any case, expect to have it here in mid-December.

My apologies to the commissioner who requested it!

Now, let's talk about something I made a poll for in YT: A giveaway!

I'm going to make a special giveaway during December as a little thank you to YVZ fans!

There is just one problem, we'll need to do it in YT since these things are easier there. I guess a giveaway wouldn't be affected by COPPA but it'd be better if the deadline is before 2020.

Tell me what you think and I'll give more info about it soon!

See ya~! Have a nice day!




I just love the idea that shows how important your patrons are to you. Don't let the fun in your work from Coppa spoil you.^^ I think that I speak for all if I say hauptsache another great video of you.^^ Still have a nice day.



R The Tiny

As always! Looks amazing!