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Howdy! I hope you come from the upcoming video post, if not, go to see it first!

As you may guessed by the title, I'm taking some holidays this month, so there won't be anything special until August besides the upcoming video you just saw and the next voting for characters in future projects.

No charges for this month obviously, I'll be back next month with fresh news!

Nothing much to say, I hope you all have great holidays as well!

Until then~ <3


R The Tiny

Have a good break! Holidays are very important as I have just learned!


Yeah, that's right, take a time-out.^^ You work so hard on your videos so they please us, because you should definitely take yourself a break. Relax well and enjoy your vacation.


Hope you have a great relaxing vacation! also just curious did you say there was a upcoming video post i cant see it