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Time to vote for more featured art guys This poll is made with patron's requested art.   Please Read, check references and choose your favorites     ^w^


  • 3 winners for full paintings/complex shading,    the rest will be sketched
  • Same character Can Not Win more than once
  • Poll ends:  October15th      12:00 PM central time
  • You can vote multiple times
  • in case of tied votes i'll combine requests (if compatible of course)

Character References:

1-  Krystal    -  Theme is the starbucks "Latte" trend, featuring krystal (topless included) 

2-  Renamon  

3-  Krystal   -  Krysi

4-  Vanilla  -  Cream    ||    Morrigan - Lillith 

5-  Renamon   - Gatomon(tailmon)   -   gatomon like a vaccum cleaner on rena bewbs

8-  Panther  | |  Miyu

9-  Braixen  -  Glaceon

10-  Fifi la Fume   -  Julie Bruin   ||   Pose reference (NSFW alert) 

12-  Krystal  ||   Star Trek Dress 

13-  Gadget Hackwrench 

14-  Toriel 

15-  Alopex

16-  Katt

17-  Mirage

20-  Kindred (lamb & wolf)  

21-   Ruby  -  Raven 

22-   Manaka 

23-   Callie   || AmyPratt    ||    combined request due being the same just diferent OC

24-  Fay Spaniel 



Just a question I don't understand the rules maybe? But the rule is: "Let me explain the last rule: if i receive a request featuring ANY character then i can receive ONLY TWO MORE of this character." But Krystal is in 6 different ideas but should be capped at 3 no? so maybe i misunderstand?


yeah i figure you ask for the krystal ones, yeah i only took the first 3 krystals, but you are right, those are the rules And was all okay the first day, i received more than 3 krystals so i started sending some messages about "change your request" (krystal and katt was the first "fourth krystal" request) Then i got more, and i noticed was half SFW and NSFW (3 and 3) so i thought could be a good idea to separate them in two "classes": SFW requests and NSFW requests (was not in my plans, but i also like sfw with some "sexy" details so why not) The last reception days i was super busy with family stuff and i got even more mixed requests that i had to send for "change" while i was out in a family event, so i ended accepting more NSFW than allowed due not having enough time to notify patrons for request change BUT only for this month


I am here to petition on behalf of Wolf and Lamb. More Lamb art is good!


Alright, i was just checking to see if maybe Krystal was exempt from the rule was all with how popular she is here :p Thanks for answering!


Renamon and taomon❤️❤️❤️