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Hey ^^ im working on some art this week, starting the color of some sketches. The Krystal tightsuit picture had pending edits that im doing now, as you can see, i almost finish an adventures outfit version. she will have a beach outfit too (all SFW) and of course, several new NSFW edits, and maybe some specials. Oh! and of course, i will do a Blaze edit too. I took some of the last month poll winners to give them color, as you can see i already started coloring Krystal. ^^

You might noticed last week i posted daily a finished painting haha, that was because was about time to finish that art.

The way i normally work is "start as many sketches as you can and work them all at same time" so my normal post time is every 3-4 days ^^

if i look slow now is because im literally working on NEW several sketches/edits at same time (the ones in this post preview)

| O wO/ *i send you a big Hug* ^w^




*I send you a big hug back for all the great work you do* Super exciting cant wait for what's in store!