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Oh yeah,  i drew the original pic as a  "krystal for smash" support,  now im working on edits for patrons,  yes yes,  safe edits,  NSFW edits,  and  NSFW Special edits.         AND,  i want to Re Edit  it  to make my first  dakimakura design of Krystal.   One of us (patrons) wanted a dakimakura krystal as request,  but,   i decided to wait enough to make  something  with high quality   for everyone.    of course,  i will make it for real (real dakimakura) once i draw both sides haha,   the sketch here is a general idea of how will look the dakimakura edit in a frontal view.        

The actual version im working (staff version) is at 60%,  the Nude edits are all done,  im just working the lingerie edits,  2 diferent lingerie styles,  a dark one,  kind of a casual outfit mixed with typical lingerie stuff and tribal,    and  a white one, inspired of a wedding  sexy lingerie,  you know,   7  w 7

check the patrons chat




Cant wait!