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Aaand YES! with this i finish the Krystal training sequel project ^^ The nsfw edits are here, and you can see them in my PrimeLeap Club. Of course i made some extra edits for Awesome and Legendary patrons, lewd and fun stuff ^^ and the whole imageset will be in July art pack.

I hope you love them as much as i do O wO and remember that this is possible thanks to your support ^w^ < 3

Now is time to continue making more and more sexy furry art!

Safe versions---------------------------

Staff Combat (Updated/Fix)

Tactical Combat




Always so naughty and sexy versions. That's what happen to rush too fast in the air......with open clothes......or with some trouble to lock suit....


She is too beautiful to worry about wearing clothes :3 and I'm sure it's a better way to train with her weapons 7w7