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Hello, friends. Here is the schedule for this year's book club. We may do an ad hoc meeting or two to support living authors and/or talk more McCarthy, but you can save these five dates for now, with a sixth TBD in December. For those who don't want to attend, or are unable, these meetings are recorded and posted to Patreon. Thanks again for a great 2023, and we're jazzed for another round in 2024. See you at the meetings.


Bookends 2024

About Bookends Bookends is AoD's book club for Patreon members. We read a mix of classic and contemporary literature, with hooks to our Core Episodes and friends of the show. Format Bookends live sessions take place via Zoom. An invitation and URL are provided by Patreon.


Andrew Kleine

These look like great titles. I hope I can make it to all of them.

Robin Lewis

Happy New Year, and thanks for all of the great '23 episodes and Bookends. I've got Wise Blood and Hamlet on the top of my AoD TBR stack. Off topic, but I watched S1E1 of True Detective tonight. (Quite chilling.) I don't know much about the show beyond that you guys have mentioned it a few times, but I can only find your one reference to it in your post about THE KING IN YELLOW. I'd like to listen to whichever AoD episodes you guys mentioned it in--do you by any chance recall which ones?