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The fellas talk more Poe, the Killers of the Flower Moon, Poe's legacy, love affairs and more.



Robin Lewis

I just googled 'MELLONTA TAUTA derivation,' and idk if it's correct but found that it's "Greek for 'Things are in the Future'"...Which makes sense from what you read of the story, Brad. Do you do the After Darks right after the Core episodes? You must be parched and starving. Wish I lived nearby, I'd drop off a good sandwich or something!

Brad Kelly

😂 we take a 15 minute break or so. Which is *almost* enough. But I'm pretty keyed up by the time we get through and episode!

Ri Hand

I really liked Flower Moon and generally don't like comparing books to movies. However, Scorsese made one decision I REALLY don't understand. The book had a much larger focus on the societal aspects and did a great job at conveying the horror of, "someone's trying to kill you. The doctors and courts are helping them. And everyone you meet on the street is trying to rob you along the way." None of that is completely gone and I expected the movie to take a more personal approach just due to medium. But choosing to focus on the gangsters over the family or investigators seemed to shrink the story back to a couple greedy murderes to me. And sidelined a pretty interesting investigation to boot. I know Scorsese is THE crime movie guy but I do think this lens detracted a bit. Ditto on the performances though!! Loved DeNiro's dedication to quiet intimidation and if Gladstone doesn't take home an Oscar I riot.