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A reminder we are meeting to discuss Confessions of a Mask, Mishima (Weatherby Translation) on September 17th at 3pm US Central Time, via Zoom. The meeting will be recorded. The link will be shared here on the day, so stay tuned.



Brad Kelly

Phew. This is a tough read. Not at all what I expected. But...there is a certain raw vitality here. If anyone needs an epub version of this book, let me know and I can send it to you.

Brad Kelly

Feel free to put thoughts/questions/supplementary information you might want to share in this google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O10PWUuMpD6fJmRenjKzrHSuzxoIuPm4UFM1vQDTv3U/edit?usp=sharing


Hey Brad! I’d like that epub if you please