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Our next book club meeting takes place via Zoom April 16th at 3pm US Central Time (8pm GMT). We'll be reading Borges' Ficciones. See the attached table of contents.

And here is a link:

See you there. We'll share a Zoom invitation via Patreon on the day.



Brad Kelly

Looking forward to talking Borges with you guys tonight. The last story I had to (re)read was "Funes the Memorious." Not sure why I saved it for last, but it has some of my favorite imagery in the whole collection. Funes looking at the dark passionflower by the glow of his cigarette, the storming pampas, etc. But the premise, too, and how far he takes it, is something to behold. How embodied the speculative element is. Great stuff, imo.

Brad Kelly

Interesting little article about Lovecraft/Borges: https://deepcuts.blog/2020/04/15/there-are-more-things-1974-by-jorge-luis-borges/