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The AoD book club kicks off with Heart of Darkness via Zoom, January 29th at 3pm Central Time. Get your copy and watch this space for more details. We'll share the Zoom link in a post on the day.

If you don't have a copy of Heart of Darkness, check out artofdarkpod.com/sponsors for links to Alibris and Bookshop.org.

See the full Bookends schedule at artofdarkpod.com/book-club.


Brad Kelly

So, in 1958 there was a TV version of HEART OF DARKNESS as part of Playhouse 90 (a series of "made for tv movies" to which Rod Serling contributed). https://archive.org/details/heart-of-darkness-roddy-mc-dowall-and-boris-karloff

Brad Kelly

It stars Boris Karloff and Eartha Kitt and was adapted for the screen by the guy who wrote REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE

Brad Kelly

Before HoD, Conrad wrote a short story called "An Outpost of Progress" that is also set in the Congo and inspired by his (mis)adventures there. https://www.online-literature.com/conrad/184/ Key passage from the above, for thinking about HoD: "Contact with pure unmitigated savagery, with primitive nature and primitive man, brings sudden and profound trouble into the heart. To the sentiment of being alone of one's kind, to the clear perception of the loneliness of one's thoughts, of one's sensations—to the negation of the habitual, which is safe, there is added the affirmation of the unusual, which is dangerous; a suggestion of things vague, uncontrollable, and repulsive, whose discomposing intrusion excites the imagination and tries the civilized nerves of the foolish and the wise alike."