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Brad and Kevin deconstruct the wild, sexually driven escapades of the singular Marlon Brando, and the incredible tragedy of his family life - for Patreon subscribers. Chuck a buck and support the show.



Cash Tilton

Budd Schulberg's "Vanity Fair" article is wide ranging. There's the backstory to "On the Waterfront," of course, and lots of inside info from Alice Marchak, Marlon's secretary for more than 30 years, and Ellen Adler, Stella's daughter. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2005/03/brando200503

Cash Tilton

And then, his date with Elaine Stritch. I never thought of Marlon as the pajama type, but if Wally Cox was, too . . . The cat that Elaine mentions was the reason Wally moved out. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3jaoxg