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I'm struggling to make a proper "ending" to the set after this one:

And because of that I've decided to just split the last part into 2 or maybe even 3. So it's going to take a few more days. Last week's fluid simulation tests should already give you an idea on what one of them is going to be. 😊👀

I was also a bit preoccupied with work last week, so I wasn't able to get as much progress as I would have liked. Sorry...



I've got a suggestion if you don't mind, cowgirl. Also, Ay take your time don't get too pressured into finishing, I undetstand a fella got responsibilities irl, I know it will come out fine! 👌😛


Don't feel pressured! Take your time. What about spooning or cuddling?


That's actually one of the things that I've tried already (like for part 4). But because our cyborg boi's still in full armor, it doesn't look as good as you and I imagined it to be. I could probably try again though, so we'll see.


Too complicated so we get more instead? I like how you think :3