AoT S4 Gear Progress! P2 (Patreon)
2021-06-12 10:11:09
2021-06-12 10:11:30
Finally got more work done!!! Shout-out to Maddy for being my mannequin. I was able to make the chest harness out of...
[ que adrian's thought process in real time ]
those like... wtf are they called. I'm having a brainfart rn wait... I wanna say ziptie but it's not a ziptie... Lemme Google real quick. wtf do I Google like "clip belts" or like.... Omg I can look at the order when I bought them wAit--
Strap Buckle straps. Never would of remembered that.
Anywho, I just used those to put together the harness and cut out some extra white leather fabric to add the details.
Good job, Adrian. You nailed this post. Fuckin glorious.
It's almost 5am as I'm writing this atm pls excuse the dumbness-