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THE BIG PUSH: Suede Of The Union 18/02/2023

  • I am 100% down with this plan 127
  • I have concerns but still think you should go for it 51
  • I have concerns below you should address 1
  • 2024-02-18
  • 179 votes
{'title': 'THE BIG PUSH: Suede Of The Union 18/02/2023', 'choices': [{'text': 'I am 100% down with this plan', 'votes': 127}, {'text': 'I have concerns but still think you should go for it', 'votes': 51}, {'text': 'I have concerns below you should address', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 18, 5, 9, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 179}


EDIT: Changed it so that the first video of the month is still a new Journey, due to good feedback. Never be afraid to voice your concerns!



Things have been moving slowly and I want to change that. We just hit a milestone of 200 journey eps and the new Pokémon journey episodes haven't been taken down. It's a good sign. But I'm also seeing an opportunity to shake things up to improve my mental health, rebuild the base and really bring back what was lost, at the very least for posterity. So I have an idea.


I can do Youtube-friendly journeys (Hereafter referred to as Pokemon Journey Kai, or PJK) quite fast, but new jokes, sticcboi gags, script adjustments and patron questions mean it's still a lot to consider. I feel like I could really get a good grind going and produce PJK at a rate that could finally catch the algorithm's eye, but I'd need to focus on it 100% without worrying about other video responsibilities constantly. So this is what I want to do.

I want to make it so that while the first video of the month is still a brand new pokemon journey, the other three will be PJKs. I WILL STILL MAKE AUTISM VIDS AND VIDEO GAME STUFF ON THE SIDE, BUT THEY WILL BE LOWER PRIORITY AND THEY WILL NOT BE CHARGED. They'll still be only be viewable by patrons first though.

I feel good about this, it gives me a proper 9-5 that I'm actually working towards, the pressure is off me to make new stuff which means I'll be doing them for the passion and that's always when I do my best work. After speaking with a good therapist about my ADHD, I'm trying this as a  new technique to help combat my executive dysfunction. I've had lots of scripts rolling around only for me to freeze up at the screen mainly due to the fact that the IMPORTANCE of doing them to live caused my brain to go into survival mode and just freeze. so relieving that pressure with day-to-day simple productivity is very likely to actually INCREASE my production of Autism, Gaming, and new Pokémon content.

At the very least, it's worth a shot as an experiment, right? so for the next couple months, we'll give this a shot and see how it turns out... UNLESS the poll is overwhelmingly in the negative. You are all still my shareholders and executive producers, so all I can do is pitch and see what the climate is like.

But, there's my pitch! You down?


Ryan Towers

I like this idea. My only suggestion is keep in mind pokemon horizons commentary, to me they seem relatively easy to make and might be a good stop gap here while you adjust to a new work style


I don’t care. Whatever makes you happy.


Wasn't too keen on the original pitch that made it seem like the main Journey would become a rare thing that didn't happen most months, but the new one sounds like the perfect solution since it still helps you without slowing down the main Journey since that's been roughly once a month for a while now anyway.