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I know I normally put the updates on my status in the paid posts, but since I've got a substantial swathe of new unpaid patrons I feel like I need to keep y'all updated in a more public way.

It was another rough month with another four unscripted paid posts (though there's a bit more variety this time) and I hate making excuses again and again and again, even when they're legitimate ones!

This month we had school holidays, another breakdown and my sister-in-law's husband passed away so it's been horrific on me mentally. I've been working very slowly and my next big video is still in the process of editing (I'll put up a preview tomorrow) but thanks to new strides in therapy & hopefully some better meds I have a new schedule to try out in August.

This time rather than simply trying to reassure you guys every month, I'm trying something that all of you will be able to see so I can create that sense of accountability that helps me write in Watch Me Scripts: daily updates. I'll be letting you know what I've been doing each (working) day to give myself a little more to focus on and hopefully help my executive dysfunction. Look out for that, enjoy the videos and commentaries and here's to one more attempt to bring back the glory days of Suede! It's only failure if I give up, and I haven't repeated myself yet!



*big digital hug* you got this!


Take your time. No one will hold it against you for waiting