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Still working on getting these out earlier, but still, two days is better than nothing!

Q & A Stream to celebrate 5000 subs on YT is coming up! Get your questions ready and watch out for a post coming soon to post them on for priority answerage!


Suede's Pokémon Journey, Ep.33: The Flame Pokémon-athon!

Time to look at the episode with the highest ratings in the entire series! Seriously! Support Suede on PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Suede Follow Suede, leave comments, ask questions, get exclusive info and more by stalking him on the following social media: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SuedeBlade



This was a great episode! Everything came together perfectly, and I worry I woke up the neighbours at the Slenderman bit involving Dogatsu and Bulbapedia.


Why does Ponyta make horse noises instead of saying it's name like every other pokemon?


Well, it's not the only one that doesn't say it's name. There are lots of ones that just make sounds like Staryu, Krabby, Victreebell, and my favorite: Electabuzz (it's hilarious, look it up).


Always get excited to see a new one of these.


Wait, if these came out a week early then....Ah dang it! I wanted to be mentioned on this review, but never mind. I'll still be true to my pledge though for this month. (For one month only though), if that's an issue Suede, then I'll fully understand and waver the benefits etc.