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Surprise! Told you I could get this one done sooner!Third time's the charm, maybe? Ignore the bit at the beginning, I'm still going to put it to a vote, I'll just put that preamble in font of the chosen pilot. Stay tuned for the big poll and please give your feedback!


Calling It Now, Episode 1: Shōnen Maid (PILOT 3)

A brand new series where I make wild guesses about anime I've never seen, and YOU can join in! Support Suede on PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Suede Follow Suede, leave comments, ask questions, get exclusive info and more by stalking him on the following social media: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SuedeBlade



I can't say I recall the first test format, but of the two I can actively remember, this one seems, at least to me, to be the preferential one. The second one with Linkara felt a bit. . . Disconnected, I suppose you could say. It felt like the footage didn't ever properly keep up with the conversation as it was going on, which kinda drove me batty the longer I watched it. With this one though, the fact that the questions kept popping up as the scenes themselves actually came up felt MUCH better, rather than randomly having the footage lagging behind as things continued on. Though, to be fair, the one with Linkara felt fairly natural as well, like it was just two friends randomly chatting about an anime one of them had just seen, and was trying to recommend to the other. One way or another, this was quite enjoyable. Definitely looking forward to when the show proper begins. I'm sure it'll be a blast. =)


I really like this. It's very reminiscent of your Poke'mon videos, which has the advantage of keeping the attention of people who watch because they love that style you use, but it's also something completely different, allowing for something that could be fun and enjoyable to watch. I love, and I mean *love*, the concept of you doing the scripting literally as you're watching the episode, because it allows for the impressions to be more genuine when confusion and the like pops up. In the good way. The 'Calling It Now' multiple choice is great. I adore that little interjection for the fun and ease of it. Disadvantages I see: the episodes will be around 30 minutes in total (assuming approximately 12 minutes for each anime, and another handful for the intro and outro as well as miscellaneous stuff). Would that be too painful to edit? I wouldn't want you to end up burning out, between this and your other reviews/videos that you're wanting to do. Overall, I can definitely guarantee that I would be watching the next episode of this one. Especially if you do the two anime at a time (which I would recommend as it helps keep the tiers even).


Yep, I think this is a winner. It feels a lot more engaging than the other two, personally. Good job on actually doing multiple Pilots though, it's really interesting to see testing out of new stuff.


I found this pilot the most enjoyable and easiest to follow. It's vaguely similar to your Pokemon review style, but different enough so that it doesn't feel lazy or uninspired. I am all for having occasional guests on, but don't use the format from the second episode. The format was very distracting, to the point where I couldn't enjoy the humor and had to stop watching after only a few minutes. But this format was much easier, and of the three pilots, this is the one I'd me most likely to watch consitantly.


I like this one better than the first take, but a part of me likes the second version more. I like hearing you bounce off of other people from time to time and do something in a different style from your Pokemon reviews helps to shake up your channels format too. You just need to make the video clips match what your talking about in time better than before so it isn't distracting or confusing from being out of sync. Also it would probably less likely to get copyright strikes with that format than this one your doing now. One last thing I thought of for this series overall is could you included links or info in the video on where to find the anime your talking about so that people can watch it for themselves if there interested it.


I'm in a bit of quandary because I feel like all three formats had good points. The first type reminded me of the old Animeinia (spelling?) reviews, long form and thoughtful. The second format had Linkara in it, and nothing with Linkara in it can ever be said to have been all bad (except maybe that time he forgot to turn on the camera). This one is much snappier and fits in with the more modern (if that's even an appropriate term) Youtube approach. I think it's going to be the most popular but I'd hate to push anyone away from a more complex style to something simplistic just for the sake of popular appeal. (I kind of miss Suede XS.) I'd say go with whatever format would be the easiest to produce. You've always struggled with keeping a regular schedule, and while I don't think your viewers have ever really minded, it's always seemed to really bother you, Suede. So my ambiguous non-advice is "do what feels right" accompanied by a shrug. You can throw that on the over burner or not as you want to.


I haven't seen the other formats, but this was darn entertaining.


Got a score of 3. Correctly called the first 4, but missed the last one and you said wrong answers are -1. Might be simpler to just have 1 point per correct answer and no penalty. This format is the one I would sit down to watch with my undivided attention, while the other two would likely be ones I would have on while doing dishes or cleaning. However, I was a little disappointed that this format only reviews the first episode instead of the first two (since episode 1 of any show has to take time to establish everything and episode two is more typical).


Pff, hahahahaha. Those were great guesses on what's going to happen in the rest of the season. This format is my favorite, with the first pilot being my second. I have to agree with Will on two episodes being more infinitive of a shows overall feel, but I understand that would take up more time. This was a great calling it now.