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Well, here's the first episode! however,  I feel I need to qualify that it is VERY rough. Think of it as a pilot, a proof-of-concept. Let me know your thoughts, PLEASE, and let's see if we can make it better!


Calling It Now: Deltora Quest & Ghost Hunt (pilot)

Let me know what you think of this new series! Support Suede on PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Suede Follow Suede, leave comments, ask questions, get exclusive info and more by stalking him on the following social media: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SuedeBlade



First comment: at :20 "Although a lot of you are happy with my Pokemon reviews, I know that some of you would still really like to hear my views on Pokemon." I assume you meant 'Anime' there. Other than that, the main thing I see is a lot of work needed on editing in general. The peppy 'piece by piece' is fun to listen to, but the editing leaves a few to many 'ums' and 'uhs' in to flow. It doesn't necessarily need to be scripted, but it might do well to have certain points edited down. At least until you can relax and just chat it up. I would also recommend that when you discuss the anime that you give an idea of how long the series/miniseries is for people. People might feel more inclined to get into a 10 episode miniseries than a ten season 200 episode epic, or vice versa. And finally.... I wish I could apologize on the 'Ghost Hunter' cliffhanger, but I can't. If it makes you feel better, the episodes are essentially blocked into a number of 'stories', so yes, they *do* have 'an ending'! It's a lot of cliffhangers, but in blocks of them.


Also, for the record, I *love* the 'Real analysis' versus the 'But we all know what's *really* happening!' analysis at the end. It's a great concept: the 'totally wild and off-the-wall guess' as combined with the 'Because of the tropes I see, I'm guessing this'.


It was interesting to hear you tell about anime series that I haven't heard before. I would like to see some pictures from the series for example pictures of main character. Also I love your theories about how the show will progress later. As McGowan said it would be helpful to know how many episodes does the series have, because that will affect on my decision making.


Maybe have some clips or screenshots. Or heck, even cosplay. Btw, where can we suggest anime shows? I found this one: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? / Is this a Zombie?


It was definitely interesting to listen to, but I'd suggest maybe putting in some visual sign to show what "section" you're speaking about, each time. (Like, "First impressions", "Explaining the episodes", and "My predictions / Calling it Now", so that we know which part we're in more easily, since I'll admit, I got a bit lost sometimes as to where you were, since some of the explanations / predictions were a bit long. (Though I can't deny, I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on it in such detail. =) ) Some screen-shots or possibly audio-less clips relating to what you're speaking about just for visual reference would be nice, outside of the static series title cards, just for the sake of helping us visualize things better. (Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a suggestion.) Overall though, I had alot of fun with this first episode! Definitely rough around the edges, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. It reminded me of some of your early anime reviews, in a very good way. Most certainly looking forward to future episodes of this, good sir. Keep up the great work. Edit: Accidentally double-posted, and hit enter before I was finished. Derp.


I think having footage of the show in question (or just screenshots) would go a long way in making it clear for the audience when you're referring to a specific character or scene, and could also help to break up the vlog format of the video and make it feel more professional. Also, I second the idea of splitting the episodes into sections and having title cards. If we're allowed to recommend series - definitely have a look at Penguindrum if you haven't seen it already; plenty of unpredictable weirdness in that show.


I agree with others that including screen caps or short clips with or without audio would be a big help, as would title cards for each section.


Suede didn't directly mention it, but suggesting a show to see is the $10 Patreon level. Hopefully he'll remember to plug his Patreon next time ;-)


I also agree that having stills or clips would be nice to see. I'm curious if you're planning on watching more of either series on your own time? I definitely recommend watching more of Ghost Hunt. Your first guess at how that particular story ark turns out is both right and wrong, you'd probably enjoy seeing how it turns out.


yeah its a little boring with just you and one picture the whole time so clips or screenshots woud help it. also there shoud be a second video where you say if you called it correctly.