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I'm currently filming what's probably going to be the last Suede XS tomorrow as I've decided that since I'm going to try and make a real go at making this at least my part time job I need to up my game. 

While I have enjoyed answering your questions and drawing your pictures, I feel like they are a little... well, lame for what you guys do, supporting me and helping me get one step closer to my dream job. I want to make it up to you guys by offering a new short form series that I think will help sate both those who watch me for Pokemon and those who watch me (or began watching me) for anime in general.

This new series (so far unnamed) will be similar to XS in that I'll be talking off the cuff and commenting on news and such, but the main meat of it will be a segment in which I, having watched the first 2 episodes of an anime, will give my thoughts and first impressions and give it a "should you invest?" rating, before giving a wild yet detailed guess as to how it will end. The patron-friendly twist is that at a certain patron tier, you will be able to add an anime to the review queue (don't worry; the full-length anime reviews will also be released, hopefully at a higher rate if more patrons come on).

I also want you guys to be involved in this process since you are basically shareholders, so please give your feed back on the following reward tier system: 

$1 Patrons: Warm fuzzies, early episodes, daily updated feed.

$3 Patrons: Your name (or username) in credits

$5 Patrons: Weekly option to add ONE anime series to preview queue, earlier episodes.

$10 Patrons:  Small avatar of your choice commissioned by Jess (http://sunfur.deviantart.com/) to be prominently displayed at the end of all episodes.

$20 Patrons: Anime 'fast lane' option (In the show I'll review an anime from this tier as well as one from the regular queue), full screen art card commissioned from Jess to be prominently displayed and commented on, 'Bulbapedia gag' style, at the end of all episodes. (note: just one card per patron, commission does not refresh weekly)

Please let me know your thoughts and your own ideas for rewards I may not have thought of. Bear in mind I have some social anxiety, so skype calls and google hangouts are out, but streams might be an option (although remember I can't livestream anime without getting booted yet).

Thank you so much for your endless patience. Let's make this thing even more popular, it can only benefit the both of us! Huzzah!




I am excited by the promise of new stuff from you, but a little worried about you possibly getting burnt out by all of it. Also, not sure about getting to pick an anime to review at $5 and another at $20 (down from $50); I think it is worth more. Still, you know your ability better than we do, and I'll be happy to pledge for the videos you make.


My first thought is that, as others have mentioned, you are still recovering. Before you go about this, I feel that you should take the time and speak with your therapist about self-expectations. I know you want to make this your full-time job, and I intend to keep supporting you in order to do so, but you need to work slowly. Stop thinking of it as some kind of 'forced duty' and do it because you love it. Not because of expectations. In the general, I like the idea and concept of the show. It is something that I would happily support. However, XS was something I supported because I liked hearing you talk about things. I liked a look inside your head. Not because you're giving writings and questions and drawings to your entire fanbase, but because you are offering some interaction. A look inside your head and a look inside your mind. A different way of thinking and a chance to actually compare that thought. *And* it's done without the need of 'trying to please everyone'. One step at a time: instead of doing a major overhaul, if the series is something you love, then do some episodes, nice and clean and have fun with them, and see how it works for you. Start with a limited number of 'purchases' at first so you have a goal. If people like it, and you have fun with it, *then* go to a higher number and higher tier.


Something else that you need to consider: as things get bigger, as you get more and more people, you are going to have more and more difficulty keeping up. And that will potentially end up burning you out faster. I don't want to discourage you from having a lot of fans (exactly the opposite!), but to have realistic and honest expectations about things as they grow.


I like Suede XS but as one of those who started watching you for anime in general I'm looking forward to this! You could still every few months do a update video/answer questions/vlog thing like suede XS but the anime stuff should be the priority. :)

Neo Ultra Mike

"This new series (so far unnamed) will be similar to XS in that I'll be talking off the cuff and commenting on news and such, but the main meat of it will be a segment in which I, having watched the first 2 episodes of an anime, will give my thoughts and first impressions and give it a "should you invest?" rating, before giving a wild yet detailed guess as to how it will end. " Uh I don't want to be rude or anything but that kind of sounds like a ripoff of Animerica's cover by Cover, a show in which a reviewer looks at the first two episodes of an anime and gives their thoughts on whether they'd continue watching or not. Which is BTW also a show on Channel Awesome so... kind of think you're going into already used waters man no offense.


You're kidding. I honestly, hand on heart, have never seen an episode of Animerica. This is actually really bad, I'll have to revamp the whole thing now. Thanks for letting me know, though, it's better than being really embarrassed when I released it. Crap.

Neo Ultra Mike

"You're kidding. I honestly, hand on heart, have never seen an episode of Animerica. This is actually really bad, I'll have to revamp the whole thing now. Thanks for letting me know, though, it's better than being really embarrassed when I released it. Crap." - Well I'm sure you have much better things to do then to watch everyone else's videos on the site (especially the people who came in the last couple of years who you don't have any personal connections with) like you know being a husband and father. Way more important then watching every other reviewer possible to know if you're using similar elements. Heck I normally wouldn't comment on series being too similar to one another... except yeah the Animerica Cover to Cover first episode specifically said "we are looking at anime of all kinds first two episodes to see if we would continue with them or not." They were more actual reviews then off the cuff unscripted vlogish thoughts but it's still the same basic concept. Still I'm sure you'll come up with something else if you don't want to use a borrowed template. And wish you all the luck in the world with that. And heh you can at least write that in as a joke about someone else using the concept in whatever show you do your new show if you want heh heh.


Meh, everything's been more or less done before, so I don't think it's something to be that worried about. As long as you put your own spin on it, I think it'll be fine. Still, just do whatever you think is best.