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After all the literal sweat and tears of a legal battle followed by a plague, I finally have the first episode of a new era right here. Thank you all so so much for sticking with me and being here on the ground level ONCE AGAIN.

First there was the disjointed reviews of original Suede, then the rebrand with Suede's Stream Of Consciuosness which evolved into Suede XS, then I pivoted into the series that finally got me full time, and now, hopefully for the last time, I have made something I feel I truly own, that cannot reasonably be claimed. It's all thanks to you that I have been able to push forward and get up so many times.

Enough of that, though, take a look! This is technically still rough as I haven't added the Patrons yet for the big Youtube release, but otherwise it's pretty much final. So let me know if you have any suggestions or notice any problems!




Support Suede on PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Suede Follow Suede, leave comments, ask questions, get exclusive info and more by stalking him on the following social media: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SuedeBlade



Hey, back in style and still entertaining. And the script didn't even have to change too much. Nice!


entertaining, I see a lot of potential in this format, and I look forward to seeing where this goes. But I'm not going to lie, I missed the original format and I'm still hoping that one day you'll be able to return to that without problems.

Lucas Neumeyer (NEW-my-er)

Okay, this was pretty cool. I like the VCR effect over the paper puppets, it abstracts them to the point it's easier to imagine your voice coming out of their mouths. I must admit, it definitely feels like this relies on the viewer already being familiar with the original episode. I imagine a newcomer would be confused by Ash shouting at the hawks, for example, and the transition to Misty pulling Ash out of the river was jarring. If I can make some suggestions, I would say that you should make clear whenever a line is being repeated from the original episode, maybe have "Actual line" as a caption at the bottom, rather than having it appear at the end like with the pokedex. Sort of like the Yugioh abridged "actual 4 kids line" thing.

J. MacGillivray

Yay! Glad to see this out and I greatly enjoyed it! I think the pokemon are going to look very cute in their puffball forms.


It's great to see that your new journey through Pok-I mean Papermon has begun! The shorter synopsis was a little odd at first (it may have that way in the original and I just forgot), but the extra stuff in the Thoughts section more than made up for it.


I'm really happy for you, Suede. I like the new style. The Birdemic birds for the Spearow were my favorite part. I agree with the commenter above me that the shorter synopsis was a bit jarring, but I was glad to see more in the Thoughts section, though it made it feel a bit disjointed. I can't wait to see more!


Glad to see the new format! The new paper/puffball animation looks amazing. That said, I feel that the new synopsis is overly disjointed. It was going great up until the sudden cut from Oak's lab to the Ash/Misty scene, which then just suddenly ends the section entirely. Leaving side details like opening sequence, Ash's mom's electrocution and the pokedex/ratatat line for the Thoughts section is perfectly fine, but the major plot beats of Ash angering the spearow, Pikachu getting injured, and Ash earning Pikachu's respect by risking his life to protect them should probably have been kept in. Just enough so that someone who hasn't seen the episode will at least know the bare bones of the episode's plot.


Okay the shitty green screened eagles representing the spearows absolutely killed me


AAAAAAAAAA I LOVE IT! You've managed to take advantage of the medium in a great way, and your jokes had me rolling. So glad to see that you're back at long last, and am looking forward to seeing how your remakes of the other old episodes go!


Honest feedback. I had my worries about this, the papermon idea seemed to me forced into the end product by formula force and to avoid a re-structuring of the whole series, but there is a lot of charm here! The puppets look good, their making being added into the intro helps sells you into the idea, and I like that the pace has been sped up to match the new medium. Maybe the puppets could pop up a little bit more, but thats about it, and it probably has to do with the filter. Same goes for the thought section. I would appretiate a small sypnosis still, a couple sentences only, no visuals needed tbh, but I really like you sparcing papermon footage if needed to illustrate. Only real issue I have with the format is the trivia section. Stills are out of the question, but I would really like visual support for those localization segments. A little glance at the script or the keywords would make a long way. Regardless, I LOVED IT.


I love this! I think the puppets are cute and it’s really funny. I agree with everyone that the synopsis seems a bit rushed I’m not sure if it’s just because of the extra production time needed to make all the puppets and visual gags, but it would definitely be confusing to someone whose never seen the series before. I loved the way you did your thoughts at the end and adding in extra visual gags to that was brilliant. I know it’s going to take time to get into the right groove with the new series but I think you are doing great and it’s only going to get better!


I must say, I'm genuinely impressed with what's going on now. I'll miss the old reviews, and I STILL think what ShoPro did was and may as well be illegal, but that's hardly a reason to be harsh towards this royalty-free alternative! The effects used, while simple, are effective, and this still remains as my favorite non-abridged abridged series! Here's to seeing the rest of the show in this format, and here's hoping ShoPro doesn't find THIS to be some affront to nature.